Another mover...

Discussion in 'New to the Club? Why not introduce yourself?' started by Curtf1, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. Didn't know there was another forum till now, not going to pass judgement on either as I haven't been on the RS scene for too long and could do with all the help/advice I can get :smile:

    I've got myself a 225 F1 team with various mods, couldn't be happier with it, here's a few pics....
  2. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Welcome. From Bristol? Think I saw you In Hanham last week. I was in a 225 F1 as well.
  3. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    looks good, go easy on the fog light use though.
  4. Will, I was in Bristol not too long ago with a friend picking his car up but I'm from gods country, Yorkshire :wink: i do think I remember seeing you near the shell garage?

    Naith, thanks and the fogs were the photographers choice (a friend of mine) biut I shall bare it in mind!
  5. Car looks mint mate. Lovely photo's too. Welcome!
  6. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    No wasn't near a shell garage. Was just over the bridge that went over the ring road. That's good news. Don't want too many F1s around my area :wink:
  7. Welcome across bud
  8. Daz


  9. Welcome, love ur meg
  10. Stu


  11. Looks great, welcome
  12. hello and welcome
  13. Hello and welcome
  14. Welcome to the Family

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