Amp Wiring Through Bulkhead ?

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Torch, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. right have got all the stuff ready i.e. battery tray out air box out glove box out and can see the grommet. However the hole that's available isn't big enough for my 10 gauge cable to fit through ?
    is drilling a new hole my only option ?
  2. Drill the existing hole out to the right size. That is how I did mine.
  3. You can get it through the grommet! Get it loose, cut a little slit and it'll go through eventually..
  4. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    this, my battery cable runs through it and thats mahoosive.
  5. cheers guys, i never thought of trying to get it through the existing loom
    will give that a try first but i can drill out the smaller hole as my fallback option :smile:
  6. If you drill a hole you risk water getting in unless you put another grommet in. And the cable could rub against the metal.. Persevere with the existing grommet and hole!
  7. yep thats what i did in the end, cut the black small gauge wire that was going into the engine bay then tested the cable through the existing hole and it was fine. however it needed slight tweaking to make both the amp cable and black cable fit
    you can just see the black cable coming off the smaller loom
  8. Black cable? The earth? That could have gone anywhere against bare metal without going through the bulkhead :smile:

    Anyone got tips for this on a 250 lol I've got the glovebox out and tomorrow's job is getting the amp wire through and it looks well packed in that grommet, way stiffer than the 225!
  9. Nah it's not an earth to chassis it's an independent cable direct to the fuse box not sure what circuit it's part of though
    its a very small gauge possibly 7/0.2 it's hard to see in the pic but that's what's holding that plug up on the right hand side

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