
Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Sammy_2007, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Hi guys my alternator went a couple of weeks ago and I am struggling to sort one out. The problem I have is I keep getting sent alternators with one pin plug connections and mine has two pins? Renault said I might have to wire it different to fit this plug now but don't have a clue on what todo? Can anyone help earthier with a alternator from a ph1, or a clue about what todo with wiring?
  2. Have you tried a car breaking for
    Parts on ebay ?
  3. Tried Everything mate, had to go main dealer in the end £330 that's with 28% discount and still sent the wrong one that's why they said about wiring it different loosing the plot now lol
  4. Is there an auto electrician near you might be worth a try
  5. I'll have to wait till he comes to work, was hoping someone might no a tip to save a bit of cash as it's cost a bomb already!!
  6. Give it a day or two I'm sure someone will know a lot of v knowledgable people on here helped me out a few times
  7. Let's hope so pal

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