Alignment Required?

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by James and his 250, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Hi all,

    I have only had my car for a couple of days and just have a couple of questions

    Firstly, when I reach high revs the car feels as though if I don't grip the steering wheel it will spin out, feel as if it wants to leave a straight line, is this just due to the power going through the front wheels or do I need an alignment check?

    Secondly.. How do I know if I have the upgraded 3D stereo? I can't seem to find any settings for this '3d' business

    Thank you
  2. Just checked tyre pressures, backs fine at 30, fronts at 23 and 30!!! Upped both to 35, will go for a drive later and see if that had anything to do with it. Hopefully I dont have a slow puncture in the continentals :worried:
  3. I experience the same. I have changed front tyres, did alignment and still the same on a wet surface. I think it is because of lack LSD and quite strong engine with FWD. It is not dangerous, just required to do some tiny corrections on a stering wheel.
  4. The tyres probably didnt help, but it may benefit checking the tracking, just had mine done with four new tyres, both side were toeing in, and this is after renault have recently change both hubs on the front. But with the setup being stiff it will easily knock tracking out. Mine car has never felt so stable/good since ive had.
  5. Thanks for both of the reply's. Since I put the correct PSI in the tyres it has been better and its now perfect on a flat road, but I do still feel it a fair bit on most roads if I floor the throttle. Seems to be pretty normal though (found another thread of this) Maybe ill check the aglinment anyway for peace of mind.


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