250 Airtec are looking for a Renault Megane 250/265 for test fitting.....

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by papps, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. Stage 2? The one they sell at the moment is pretty huge as it is.
  2. Stage 2 intercooler so even bigger O.O , i would come over but that is a bit far away for me for a 1 day trip :tongueout:
  3. haha - you could always email them and suggest that as you are in Belgium it would be perfect for a full data logging session at Spa? :wink: hahaha
  4. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    They already have someone for it, Im next in line if that falls through though

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