Hello everyone. Being a great fan of procreation, I intend to make my wife pregnant with twins or 2 more babies before she hits forty (dont tell her as I will surprise her with the good news, even though men dont take the pill but never mind). Forty is the cut off as I dont want to be over 55 when my kids become teenagers if, God willing ofcaurce. As a result we intend to buy a bigger place. My current commuting time is roughly 50min to 1h15min depending on what mood the M25 is in. Do you guys think it would be worth commuting an extra 45 minutes if it meant getting a bigger place? A chap at work recently quit because he said after 18 years it got too much for him. God willing I should still have another 30 years of working life left in me so made me wonder how much of a role should commuting take when considering a house or should location trump the house?
stuff that, ide rather work in my local mc'donalds than commute round that m25 for over and hour in rush hour. if your jobs going to be long term ide be looking to settle somewhere closer if possible otherwise sounds like your gonna be spending more time traveling to work than being in your new house.
I live half a mile from work. I often think I'm very lucky and would have have considerable pay increase to ever consider changing jobs. If your computing 2 hours a day that's two hours you could be earning rather than burning fuel breaks and tyres etc. or two hours extra with your kids every day.
I would look to move closer to my job rather than further. Your new family would rather see their dad than live in a big house and never see you!
I personally don't like commuting after doing it the last 3 years but you get more for your money outside London so I would say it's worth it. Plus it can be fun in a Meg if you use B roads. If it gets too much just get the Internet set up a study / office room and tell your boss you're working from home.
About an hour is the limit for me. I have a fairly regular jaunt to one of our customer sites which is an hour each way, I also have a less regular jaunt to one of their other sites which is about 1hr 20 each way and I just find that to tiring.
Job closer to home ,especially when you have children.2 hours a day commute 40 hours a month , or 12 working weeks a year commuting scary ! that's 3 months work for nothing ,time that could be spent with your family.
I'm contracting for a company in Aztec West (just North of Bristol) at the moment. I work from home 4 days a week now, but during my first month I was there every day. Commuting from just North of Cardiff to there along the M4 (past the dreaded Newport junctions) was a nightmare. Travel time could be anywhere from 1 to 2 hours each way depending on traffic. There's no way I'd cope with that everyday. I now leave at 9:30am to miss the traffic when I go there. I could deal with a 1 hour train journey though, at least you can relax on a train (assuming you have a seat!). It's quite a personal thing and depends on much much commuting you can deal with!
If you really want a family then this is the answer. Remember - with kids you NEVER get the time you missed with them back, so if you're not there you'll forever lose out. And forever is a long time......... However if you're career is more important, or your just doing the kids thing "because you should" (not recommended), then whatever. After all it's only the wife and kids who'll be going without..... And I can say all this as I'm 42, have 4 kids (aged 1 to 21), and I've done both. I missed out on the first, and learnt by it and made the life changes needed and it's all so much better for all of my family and I.
Got to agree with others and 12 weeks a year commuting that's scary stuff sod that but I would say that I am 30 mins bicycle ride from my work which I do all year round regardless of weather But at least my car stays warm and dry haha
10 Minutes drive from home to work for me. I have often considered moving up north due to job opportunities as I have no real ties to my home other than the fact that its my home town so friends and family etc. If I was in your position I would be looking closer to work. Who needs a big house anyway ! Its just more to tidy and keep clean and never as cosy ! Haha