I noticed recently that when I tap the brakes, only at low speeds (and more so in reverse than forward), there was a 'twang' / 'pop' noise coming from under the bonnet. It isn't exactly loud (you could easily miss it with the windows up) but I wanted to get to the bottom of it. I also found that if the car is sat still and I press the brake pedal to the floor it makes the noise at the very end of travel. It is coming from the ABS pump, which wobbles ever so slightly (brake fluid reservoir included) when it makes the noise. I don't have an ABS or any service light on, the ABS also works perfectly and there seems to be no problem at all with the brakes (noise aside). I should also add that the reservoir is nice and full. Any ideas? Would it affect an MOT (no lights and brakes work fine)? Cheers, Tris.