Hello! My first time posting here as I'm looking for Abit of insight. Anyway... My 275 has starting showing check ABS when it's started up and when I begin driving it also shows 'check braking system' and 'check ESP' however this will go once the cars been off for a while but check ABS will remain. Had OBD scanner and it's finding a fault when scanning and the fault reads DF010 "Pump motor circuit- no rotation of pump motor." Has any had this before and know the cause, a knackered ABS pump maybe and possible generic code for ABS sensor? Any advice appreciated. Thanks, Alex.
i would check brake switch is working and that the brake light light up properly as if the switch is faulty the brake light will not work, i would also check fuses and earth point for the ABS unit are adequate/clean. sometimes cleaning the connectors with WD40 and pluging/unplugging them a fewtimes will clean them. wheel sensor tend to throught a DF006 or DF009 code so i wouldn't think it is them, but worth a try, after all it's a renault