a new member from germany

Discussion in 'New to the Club? Why not introduce yourself?' started by heigöbeia, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. [h=2] icon1.gif a new member from germany[/h]
    hi folks

    my name is heiko beyer and my nick is heigöbeia (ask if interested why)

    at first....please be nice, when my english isn´t the best but i´ll try to give my best
    its only school english

    am 33 years old and its my 9th renault and at laest the fastest one...
    my dad drives renault since approx 40 years und me for 33 years ;o)

    i´m active in the german megane sport forum...maybe some of u will know it
    am very familiar with chiptuning ´cause my dad has tune and mainteneced engines in the earliers years with


    so i know them for all my life

    now i want to see what you are doin´here in the UK and searching for ideas or mabe i could give some information from the german forum and so on

    now it should be all for the first post and i hope to be welcome in your forum


    ps. have a nice one

    pps.if you need some informations about skn or milltek(think you are more familiar)...
    don´t hesitate to ask

    ppps. some photos attached






  2. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    told you it would be better on here! haha

    welcome along.

  3. Daz


  4. Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2013
  5. @ sebinko
    not planed and approx. no OK from my wife and daughter
  6. Nick

    Nick RSM Moderator


    I see you've found the classifieds section

    you can only edit your posts for a short period after posting, your best bet is to report the post & ask a mod to edit for you
  7. Stevie

    Stevie Events Coordinator

  8. Welcome along I have God children in Frankfurt enjoy the forum

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