60mm intercoolers of eBay ?

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by hazzf1, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Anyone got a pic of the OEM core? As long as the up rated IC's are actually better than OEM that's fine by me.
  2. If no one does il take a pic when I get round to changing mine
  3. Expect to loose a touch of boost, this is normal :/. Something to do with more displacement in the IC can't remember much else.

    Would I need a 60mm intercooler for just under 300bhp/torque? (my target :tongueout:, not a track toy)
  4. Yeah I'm expecting to lose a little. Hopefully only 1/2 psi

    From what I hear you will need an upgraded intercooler but 50 mm should be fine.
    But the 60 mm ones aren't much more.
  5. Standard and forge cooler

  6. Intercoolers dont gain you power or torque , they just keep the temps low which will mean constant power rather than heatsoak and reduction
  7. Yip, that´s right, some lag because it´s is more air to displace, but the objective is to have more constant power it´s is a perfect track toy :cool:
  8. Wasn't paul refusing to do stage 2 at RST without a uprated inter cooler at some point though? Or am i getting confused?
  9. ^ That sounds right. An uprated IC is required for Stage 2 at RST.
  10. Subscribed keep us updated jj :smile:
  11. JJ how you getting on with your cooler mate?
  12. Been mentally busy at the moment mate.
    It's just sitting in my spare room at the moment as i've had no time to fit it!

    I've got some forge hard pipes to go on too, at this rate i might not have time to test the original cooler. But their seems to be standard figures around with 18psi for stage 1 boost and the standard cooler going up to above 30 degrees ambient so i may just whack the cooler and pipes on this weekend and just test the new setup!
  13. No worries mate better to be busy than twiddling your thumbs (unless playing playstation or xbox or something)

    Look forward to your update
  14. OK got my intercooler and forge hard pipe kit in today! Took a while but better late than never!

    Had a quick look at the OEM core and the chinese ones do look like a bit of an improvement tbh! the OEM cooler has what looks like bigger channels for the core compared to my ebay special.

    The chinese cooler fitted in perfect except i had to trim the plastic bracket that the cooler sits on on the outlet end, bar that perfect fit.
    Hard pipe kit on the other hand - pain in the arse!

    Will test the temperatures and boost this coming week to see how its coping and hopefully its better than oem as it is much bigger!
  15. Excellent, enjoy. :cool:
  16. Thanks! I think i will! just took it for a lil spin to check it was all fitted correctly and its all good.

    Most likely placebo but it does seem to pull a bit harder at the top end too which is nice!
  17. Well taken it for a little bit of data logging today and according to the torque app i havent lost any boost, still 18psi.

    Also with a few 2nd and 3rd gear, full throttle runs the intake only rose around 12 degrees above ambient so not too shabby for a chinese ebay intercooler i think!
  18. Nice one, I've just ordered one!
  19. Hey Chris, Don't think you'l go too far wrong like i said the only issue i had was on the O/s the bracket the cooler clips into had to be trimmed very slightly to clip in properly apart from that all plug and play!
  20. Can't complain at that then!

    Like you say, the bloke has excellent English too! Can't wait now as mines been remapped so will help loads!
  21. Yeah mines stage 1 and considering stage 2 at some point so thought i need a cooler and couldn't really justify almost £500 for one, but for 175 with no customs charges etc you cant really go wrong
  22. Good, told u
  23. The way I see it, company's get them made in China for the cheap labour. Then put a massive price tag on them as it has a "name"
  24. That you did Haomaru, glad i listened too as although the forge/ k-tec ones are obviously a bit better, i doubt if there more than twice as good as an ebay special

    Its saved me around £300 quid which i can now spend elsewhere!

    As Henk from Fastchip recommends either sports cat / decat and an exhaust for stage 2 so its freed up that money to go towards those mods next!
  25. Yeah thats the way i see it too, as i've bought loads of claybars / foam pads, led lights etc from china and the quality on those items has always been exactly the same as stuff i've bought from UK companies at 5X the cost!

    The intercooler was the biggest money item i've bought from a chinese company but i'm very glad i took the gamble and didnt listen to everyone (mainly on the other site) who said forge / pace was the only way to go!
  26. Yip CrisP they just put a tag.
    I get an artesanal downpipe, monster highlow Cat (ambient law...) , Bolra exhaust, and a couple of 3.5 inch pipes for about £500 all install. If un wana go for stg2 u need to decat
  27. iirc forge get there cores made cheaply you can tell the difference straight away.

    Forge: forge_zps8f2688bb.jpg
    Custom in house: Welds_zps77aeed78.jpg
  28. Chinese cooler it looks like it might be... bosh... just need to save some mooolah!!
  29. I'll take some high res pics when I receive mine.
  30. Gone down to 166 ... niiice
  31. Just had a look thought it might be the 50mm ones at that price but it is a 60mm one, but the sale ends in 13 hours!
    But their is a worley one from china 60mm thats only £152 as well, but dont think anyones used that make........ Haomaru used GPI racing and their good too from all accounts
  32. They are all the same make/manufacturer. Literally a few companies making them and multiple distributors. If anyone is wondering they are IDENTICAL to the French ones that are £260 odd.
  33. Looking forward to seeing some reviews of these.
  34. Good to know... I heard a lot of the guys in France use those from got performance and they look identical...
  35. I'm totally sold on the idea of these now. Looking at this subject again with kinder faces and info compared to...the other yano :smile:.
    Won't need this for my stage one with decat though I guess!
    £175 quid really is a steal specially if you home fit it.
  36. Get one bought. It's worth it to keep the charge temps down.
  37. Even for a daily on stage one? One track day a year if that?
  38. Indeed! Mine seemed to pull harder when I changed inter coolers...
  39. Mines seems to have come through duty free... Hopefully get it tomorrow!

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