275 with Akra

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Slam, May 7, 2016.

  1. Maybe I'm being to gentle with my new car...but I don't seem to be able to get lots of pops and bangs outta my Akra exhaust. I've run it in and it's done nearly 800 miles now. Had a mini blast in her today and got a couple of small bangs from the exhaust...but nothing major. Am I doing something wrong ? ?
  2. Have you put it in sport mode?
  3. Only for a small amount of time. Do the sounds appear only in sport mode ??
    It's been a long week for me...and I'm sure I'm just being stupid here !!!

    In normal mode it shifts like hell, but hardly any pops at all.
  4. Put it in sport mode
  5. I'll go out tomorrow and give it a blast in sport mode !!! Hopefully it's just the fact that most of today's blasts have been in normal.
  6. As above, sport mode.

    The other thing is, the exhaust needs to be hot - very hot. If you're being gentle as you say, it may not be hot enough. Use all the revs in 2nd/3rd, really push it for a while and then snap the throttle shut. Don't be scared of breaking it :smile:
  7. Yeah sport mode.

    It's hot outside which won't help, the colder the ambient hotter the exhaust the better!
  8. This all makes sense !! I gotta admit...I've still got that new car pamper the car feeling in my head. Tomorrow I will go out and drive it like I did my old clio 200 cup. :smile:
  9. Warm exhaust. ...spirited driving. ..now I have thunder coming from the rear !!!
    Pops bangs and lion roars in normal as well as sport !!!

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