275 Akrapovic exhaust

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by danny91, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. This may sound a bit daft, but here goes.

    Ive had my 275 just over 3 weeks now, and for the 1st couple of weeks the exhaust would pop and bang whilst in sports mode (which I love!!). But over this past week I've noticed that it's not really popping at all. Does anybody know why this is? Could it be that there's a problem somewhere down the line, could it be the petrol I'm using (sheep v-power nitro+) or is this normal now that it's 'run in'?

    Like I said, I know it might be a daft question, but I'm not really that clued up on the mechanical workings of cars lol (I'm a sparky by trade). So any advice from you guys would be much appreciated.


  2. not sheep v-power for f**k sake lol. Stupid auto-correct
  3. caymanr26

    caymanr26 Events Liason

  4. Just a thought - maybe when you first got the car you was blasting it everywhere whilst showing friends etc. now your used to it and the novalty has died down (it will never wear off) your not driving it as hard. The harder you drive it the more it pops. Just my thoughts on it.

  5. Might be some wool in the exhaust from that sheep v power, that won't do it any good! But just let it get nice and hot like Elliot said and it should pop and bang!
  6. Lol! Wool in the exhaust, that's funny.
    I test drove one with 6000 miles on the clock and it was still popping and banging like a good un so it doesn't calm down when it's fully run in
  7. I should bloody hope not for a 2k exhaust! As said, once up to temp and in sport mode it should pop and bang all the time. Your not trying hard enough :wink:
  8. The exhaust I had on mine would usually take some warming up properly before it began popping. Would usually take a good 20 mins before I was getting the cracks. I found (could just be me imagining things) that it depended on weather sometimes. The cooler the day, the more it popped. I could just be chatting sh!t though and dreamt it.
  9. I've found as mileage has increased the popping and banging gets more pronounced. As it soots up a bit I suspect
  10. My supersprint has been getting louder and louder as the miles rack up. As said though it won't really pop until it's proper hot. Mine takes a roasting to get it popping
  11. Its got hotter (weather wise) so wont pop as much, go out late at night when it cools down itll pop and like others said get the exhaust hot

    like i did last night :wink:
  12. +1 my back box chop pops less when it's warm out :smile:
  13. Maybe I wasn't dreaming it then! Mine definitely popped more in cooler weather
  14. It has to be hot, very hot. Driving at low revs no matter how long doesn't seem to get it hot enough.

    2nd and 3rd gear at 5+k revs then snap the throttle shut should do it

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