265 OEM Airbox Foam

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by OOagent, Feb 15, 2015.

  1. Hi all,

    People are removing the foam insert from their OEM air boxes.

    Is there a proven reason for this?

  2. More noise.
  3. Yep noise!:tongueout:
  4. Ha! Amazes me just how hard they tried to keep this car quiet!
  5. Dont think 265 had this foam, pretty sure it was only 250 that had the foam
  6. Just removed it from my 13 reg 265 Ryan.
  7. My 265 had the foam too.
  8. Does it sound any better?
  9. Its ok, i heard rumours that renault removed it on the 265 to help make it sound better. Obviously they were wrong.
  10. Only thing I can hear different is increased turbo spooling perhaps. We're talking tiny difference though.

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