250 lower engine-mount and gearbox-mount

Discussion in 'Car Parts For Sale' started by Space Cadet, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. Recently taken off my 2011 30k mile 250 as I was having gearbox issues and wondered if either or both mounts were worn and causing or contributing towards my issue. Well they weren’t and both are in really good condition but as I’d bought new ones I fitted those while I had everything apart.

    As mentioned both are in really good condition, the aluminium is tarnished due to being exposed for 5 years but the rubbers literally look like new.

    £50 posted for both, or £40 if collected from Ingatestone, Essex.

    (I’m selling these together therefore wont split.)
  2. PMd
  3. Still for sale.
  4. Still for sale.
  5. £40 posted, or £30 if collected from Ingatestone, Essex.
  6. Last reduction before I just throw them away - £30 posted or £20 collected.

    They're both wrapped-up in a box ready to go...
  7. Which is the lower engine mount? Have you got a picture?
  8. PM me your mobile and I will text you over the weekend.
    rhethan likes this.
  9. Does anyone want these before I throw them away??
  10. Thrown away..!!

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