250 Cup clutch – worth uprating?

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Space Cadet, Apr 24, 2017.

  1. It’s likely that my gearbox will need to removed for inspection next week; although the car has only done 30,000 miles presumably it’s worth sticking a new clutch in when it’s refitted.

    The car is now at circa 314 bhp/340lbft is it worth therefore uprating the clutch, or just sticking with OEM?

    Anything else worth doing while the box is out?

  2. If you are not planning on throwing anymore bhp at it, then I would stick to oem
  3. Thanks Mikey
  4. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Wasting your money upgrading unless your planning 400+
  5. Thanks Jamie

    Anything else worth doing at the same time?
  6. The gearbox is being stripped as we speak and the mechanic is going to take a look at the clutch condition while the box is off.

    The car has only done 30,000 miles and so I'm in two minds whether to bother fitting a new clutch while the box is off.

    Plus point is obviously it’s got a new clutch, minus is that it will cost circa £400 along with a new Slave Cylinder.

    The gearbox work is going to cost circa £1,000 so I could really do without spending another £400 on the clutch. Is it worth saving the money and doing the clutch is say another 30,000 miles or is that bad logic?

    How long roughly do the RS clutches last? As far as I know the car has had a good life before me and never seen a track and I haven’t taken it on track yet so it’s had 30,000 miles of ‘normal’ use.
  7. Not sure about the Meg, but my Clio 182 Trophy clutch had 120K miles on it, and still going strong as far as i know
  8. I think you would be mad to have the gearbox out and not change the clutch on these especially if you are planning on keeping it a while!
  9. Thanks, agreed.

    Well, I’ve since been advised the clutch is “ok” and probably got another 20k miles in, but as the flywheel definitely needs replacing it therefore makes sense to fit a new clutch and slave cylinder at the same time.

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