225 Won't start

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by .Stevo.C., Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Just went to start my car to nip to the shop and it's not for starting or even turning over. I don't have any warning lights up but it says on the little display screen steering not locked.

    Anyone know what could be the problem? The battery is charged going by the green light it displays.
  2. Sounds like a job for Clip/ OBD reader....
  3. Daz


    Wiggle the steering wheel while trying - I've had that twice since I bought it and shit myself both times that it's a new steering rack time!

    Make sure you park with the wheel straight too!
  4. Just went out and tried it again and the steering lock engages and disengages fine.

    Think it might need a new battery as it's still on the original.
  5. Is it just clicking when you try to start it?? If it is then its time for a new battery! I've seen this loads of times and people thinks its something more expensive and all it is a battery, should cost ya bout £50.
  6. Yeah looks like it needs a battery. Jump started it last night and took it a run and when I got home it wouldn't start again so it's not holding a charge.
  7. Turns out the battery was dud. It was still on the original battery so I got plenty use out of it. Bought a Bosch S5 from ECP as a replacement.
  8. Stevie

    Stevie Events Coordinator

    Seen your car yesterday it's looking great !
  9. Cheers Stevie!

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