225/R26 Milltek cat back system wanted

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by .Stevo.C., Apr 10, 2016.

  1. As it says in the title.

    Does anyone have a system they're looking to sell on? One with the round tailpipes.
  2. Message Sirjakethebrit on Instagram. I was going to have it but think I'm selling the Megane now so it should still be up for grabs.
  3. I'm not on Instagram mate.

    Is he on here? How much was he after?
  4. I'm considering removing mine - it's a bit loud, seeing how I get on with it, may fit an original system if I cant get used to it! Don't know what they're worth used but I'd need to find a good standard system first. I'll keep you updated!
  5. Yeah keep me updated mate.

  6. Do you have your original system? Is it in ok condition?
  7. Yeah it's still on the car. In good condition too.
  8. Ok, where are you based? I'm in west midlands
  9. I'm in Edinburgh mate. Would you not be up for a straight sale?
  10. I need an exhaust to replace it with - it came on my car and I don't have the original! I'll update you should this change - hopefully you find one before this!
  11. Just so you know I'm looking for a good oe system now within a reasonable distance so will be able to sell my Milltek without swapping - I'll keep you updated mate!

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