225 cant hit the rev limiter

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by JokaCro, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. Need help guys :smile:

    After engine rebuild and several hundred kilometers of driving till 3000 rpm i started to push it till the red.....last few days car cant hit the rev limiter "normaly"/ easily...
    Somethime from arround 5000 rpm it has like a small lose of power(but still accelerate) and in other cases from 5500 till 6500 is like slow motion(in all gears) and I am not forceing him till red line because it make no sense...

    Chenged spark plugs,coils and messured fuel pressure,evrything oke
    Car diagnostic does not show any codes except of secend O2 sensor (downpipe)

    Any clues ideas ??
  2. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    coolant temp sensor?
    Big Uno likes this.
  3. Hmm....maybe the air in coolant system ? But temp on the dash is looking normal,matrix fan is working,car runs on idle perfect and pulls good
  4. I have a 250 and had the same problem with mine a week ago it felt slow and wasn’t reving past 5k. The car thinks it’s still cold and doesn’t allow you to rev it up past a set amount.....

    Change the thermostat! Now mine is fast again and revs right up to 6.5k

    Have a watch of your temp gauge after a good drive see if it’s still showing on the cold side.
    Big Uno and Mikey4410 like this.
  5. I will change it :wink: just to be sure :wink:
  6. .......almost certain thermostat
  7. From my perspective,I'm surprised that the problem is with the thermostat (didnt change it yet) because after 10-15-20 min all hoses are warm including cooling radiator and on the dash temp is UP....
    I cleaned crank sensor today,was a lot shit on it.... and I can say now,the problem is getting smaller hahaha,a bit more power,car accelerates smoother but now is that loss of power only between 6000 and rev limiter, you can feel it that is not going smooth thru that range of rpm

    1 symptom more that I forgot to say,when the car is cold on slowing down (engine breaking) car has loud banging(louder than when is warm.....)
    I ordered new crank sensor,will take the termostat anyway and will let you know
    Mikey4410 likes this.

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