Selling my spare set of alloys to fund other bits and pieces! All are straight and in good order, complete with centre caps, condition wise they are generally good, one has a curb mark and one other has some surface marks (please see photos) Tyres are GT Radial Champiro UHP1 in 235/40/18, 2 are just over 3mm and the other 2 are just over 4mm so good life left still. Asking for £400 collected from Whitstable, Kent. Can meet within 30 miles or so! 1 2 3 Surface marks on 3 4 Curb mark on 4
would you sell without tyres i would be looking to spend around £250-£300 how much are you prepared to come down from £400? Cheers
I'm heading to trax Saturday, guessing these will fit in the car if anyone would like them delivered on my route or collect from me at the show that should be fine
Hi, are these still available? I'm looking for wheels and tyres and am in East Sussex so not a million miles away, these are the standard 230 R26 anthracite alloys right?