Hi; I would like to hear your thoughts about an ongoing tapping/knocking noise that appears to be coming from the middle of the dashboard. It is getting a bit louder recently and very annoying to the point that the radio cant mask it anymore. It is not the regular rattle that comes alive at specific frequencies and then disappears. This happens at low speeds and doesn't seem to be related to vibration. I tried cardboard under the glove box since this little black thing is known to cause all kinds of noises but the tapping is still there. I have used felt tape in every possible place where a rattle could occur with no success. I read about the recirculation vent tapping when is broken but with the AC either off or in recirculation mode I still can hear it. Others found that it was coming from the engine bay or the front wheels. I can partially recreate the tapping by pushing the steering wheel up and now I have absolutely no idea what it could be. I know we all expect some sort of rattling and noise from our beloved cars, It is a Renault anyway but this one is getting particularly annoying! Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated!