250 200 Cell Sports Cat?? (250/265/225/230)

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by JoshV, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Hi all,

    Does anyone have a 200 cell sports cat fitted to the standard exhaust, or even an aftermarket/box chop one? (like this http://www.k-tecracing.com/show_prod...=4361&appid=20)

    I was wondering whether it is worth the cost (roughly £550/600 including the labour to fit one), and what kind of noise it makes after? I currently have the standard exhaust with a back box chop; this makes the car sound a fair bit louder and the pops from before a fair bit louder too, but wondered whether a 200 cell sports cat like this would make pretty loud bangs/pops compared to standard and what the tone as a whole would sound like?

    I will be having a remap soon so assume it will help with this and the gains. I don't want to go down the de-cat route because of MOT time and where the cat is fitted, so if the 200 cell isn't worth it I just won't bother changing the cat.

    I assume a few more 225/230 owners may have a sports cat fitted compared to 250/265 so your feedback would be great too :smile:

  2. Wow that's a lot of money, fitting on top of that too.
  3. i would probably say not really worth it over the standard cat, might free up a couple of bhp but not much for the outlay, only really worth it if for example if the standard one broke, as standard renault cats arent that from that price wise. as for noise not really see it making much difference.
  4. They certainly aren't cheap which is why I wanted to see if anyone had ones fitted. You can source them for about £320 (we all know Ktec are quite pricey!), but its a 4/5 hour book time to change it over so the labour makes it expensive.

    I just heard that the cats on our car are really restrictive so wondered (1) whether it will make that much difference on a remap, and (2) whether it'll make the car pop/bang any louder/more frequently and whether it'll change the noise of the exhaust.
  5. Sunnylyn has one fitted on his R26.R
  6. If the original is restrictive I can only imagine a sports cat would help with spool up, but I thought these days manufactures built engines around the limitations of cats and pretty much had them sussed to be as restrictive free as possible?
  7. As Ben says, cats nowadays aren't THAT restrictive but a sports cat will improve flow and make the car more eager. You'll get a bit of noise increase and the pops should be more frequent. Only good will come from it but it is a lot of cash.

    And if your going to buy one I'd get the RSTuning one, it's 3"
  8. As Steve says, i have the RS tuning sports cat, its tiny compared to the oem one, it's louder and pops a bit more, expensive yes, but worth it for me.
  9. I don't suppose you have any videos do you? At standstill going up the rev range and/or some while driving?
  10. If you've got a 250 then it won't help you, like mine it's fitted with the ti system so sounds completely different anyway
  11. it does sound brilliant with the sports cat and TI system. I'll try and sort a vid when i've a bit of time.
  12. Thanks mate, I'd imagine the Ti system does sound pretty awesome! I notice you're in Kent; do you ever go to Club MSV Summer Wednesdays at Brands Hatch?
  13. yes, every now and then, usually go with LiquidF1, i'll keep an eye out for you next time.

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