Hi, i'm writing from Uruguay i'm the owner of a 1998 Megane Coupe 1.6 I'm looking for help to fin the wheel caps, i loose 3/4 cap
Thanks, was the last "sports car" that Renault sell here, only sedan a SW in the second and third generation of The Megane II and III, unfotunatley y loose the wheel cap, and i cant find it here in my country, i look in ebay but at this moment not its listed
You could try different vehicle breakers (scrap-yards) here in the UK or France and see if they will ship to you.
Part number isn't even on the online parts catalogue http://www.catcar.info/renault/?lan...pbWc9PXx8Z3JwX2lkPT0zNXx8c3ViR3JwX2lkPT0zNUE=