1 engine cover rubber mount - 225/r26

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by dmn1989, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Hello.

    As above really.

    I need 1 rubber mount thing for my engine cover. Does any one have one lying around that they could fire my way? Willing to pay a little too.

  2. Lol ask ads four quid each at the most
  3. I'm with eggcakes on this, ask ads for a couple it'll be less than a tenner after postage
  4. Yeah I did unfortunately along with a timing belt kit and aux kit. Before I knew about you.
  5. ooofftttttt they really are expensive that lot.the engine cover bungs are only 5.40 retail!
  6. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Jeeez. That's stupid money for a bit of rubber from that link above!
  7. Think I only paid £4.50 from Renault parts desk. Only to fit the cover back on the engine and hear it immediately pop back off and fall down the exhaust manifold...
  8. Lol not as expensive as the crank pulley. Another bit of rubber.
  9. Daz


    Do people have issues when one is missing? I must admit I only have 3 myself but doesn't seem to cause any issues?
  10. When you are fitting the bungs back onto the engine, it is worth oiling up the inside of the bung and the pin. Makes it much easier to get the bung back on, otherwise the bungs tend to not seat properly and will fall off. Only speaking from experience :/
  11. Mine was rattling like a mother. Bugged me so much £8 was acceptable at the time lol.

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