Has anyone got 2 of the rubber gromit mounts for the engine cover and 1 ball joint that the engine cover goes on as I'm missing these parts and the engine cover is rattling slightly. Thanks
Here is the link cos its easy to order the wrong ones; http://renaultpartsdirect.co.uk/products/Renault-Megane-2-Engine-Cover-Mount.html Which ball joint du need? If its one from the front of the engine I have a spare . . .
Thanks I ordered and relieved to see the link you put is what I bought! For the ball joint it's the joint that the engine cover mount clips down on, not sure if they differ between the four of them, the one I'm missing is the top right. As you look over the engine from the front.
Just wanted to bump this one to see if anyone now has this part. It's the tiny ball joint that the engine cover rubber mount goes on. As you are looking down on the engine from the front I'm missing the top right. Thanks