R26 Slightly smokey exhaust

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Pagey3103, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Over the last 6 months I have replaced my coils, sparks and injectors but Recently I've noticed an intermittent splutter on idle from the exhaust and slightly visible smoke.

    Does anyone one have any ideas what this could be?

    To to note I changed the injectors and coils myself!
  2. Turbo on way out or seals in the turbo
  3. Blue smoke ?
  4. Don't think it's blue more grey whiteish. I was thinking it was oil burning.

    i hope it's not turbo, I just had a new clutch and brake pads all round so don't have that level of funds in the reserve ATM
    what does blue smoke indicate
  5. Blue smoke is normally burning oil.
    If it's white ish could be the head gasket.
    Is it using any water?
  6. Not really tbh It was at one point but when I filled the coolant reservoir up again , about a month ago, it Hasnt needed filling since.

    still loads of power from the engine though.

    If if turbo related what other symptoms should I look out for and is there anything visual I could check?
  7. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    Play in the shaft
  8. Do you mean the inner turbine bit
  9. It it's the turbo it's not too expensive mate, don't worry
  10. What's the engine mileage I think it's rare they wear out mate could all ways get it tested for a few quid
  11. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    take off the induction hose and feel for any play in the turbo shaft, in/out and up/down movements
  12. Ok thanks guys I'll give it a shot.

    mileage is 78k

    i thought when when you said turbo it was replace it and iirc that's a 1500 job
  13. No chance it's £1,500 mate, be no where near half that, send me your turbo my mates brother works for Midland turbos, I'll say no more on a public forum, if it's gone PM me and I'll get it sorted for you

  14. Will do mate thanks

    i spoke with RST about it as they deactivated the smf fault yesterday and doesn't seem to think the turbo is a problem . I have just been on a long run and checked the exhaust but today couldn't see any smoke ?? I'll keep an eye on it. May have been having a French moment
  15. Ok good luck
  16. On start-up these cars naturally pump out a whiteish smoke, is just condensation and nothing to worry about. Keep an eye on your water and oil levels, if they don't move much then it's probably nothing. Water level shouldn't move at all, oil level might drop a bit normally.
  17. Oh, and don't try and fill the oil level on these to the maximum. I always fill to 3/4s full on the dipstick. If you try and fill more the engine just burns it off, which isn't good for your turbo or your cat!
  18. Right I've kept an eye on this for the last week or so and now there's no smoke from the exhaust but some times I get a spluttering and sometimes I don't.

    Water level ok, oil level on dipstick about 4/5ths , oil level on message display at start up sometimes 1 point lower than full but sometimes says ok. Assume faulty sensor.

    After a 2 hour drive today the exhaust spluttering was quite regular, like every 2 seconds,, when I got back, but after it had cooled it was only every now and then like every 5-10 seconds.

    Performance still fine and acceleration is smooth , Rev needle steady, like I say there's nothing physically wrong with the car just this spluttering.

    Tried at looking at turbo but in fairness I only removed the metal shield over it and didn't really see anything. Any other ideas please guys
  19. Have you tried injectors? I need to replace mine and it's a bit spluttery at idle like yours but not as bad, and is very slightly smokey. Maybe running a bit rich? I also haven't had a noticeable performance difference.
  20. I replaced the injectors about 6 months back myself, that's why I'm baffled by it, maybe one is faulty or hasn't been fitted properly... Ill check them over before sending it in somewhere for diagnostics.
  21. I just priced a new 250 turbo from our supplier in work and they can be got for £483.84 + delivery
    p/n 8200949912

  22. Yeah mine were replaced 12k ago, they're not the most reliable!

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