265 RS265 Tuning Recommendations

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Lugochild, Aug 12, 2015.

  1. Anyone got any recommendations on how to go about Tuning my RS265. Was looking at the Kraftwerk Power Module which is supposed to achieve an extra 55kw and 94nm for $1800aud. Seems like good bang for your buck. I'd love to hear if anyone's had experience with this or any other recommendations on the best way to theoretically 'stage 1' Tune my 265.
  2. 55kw sounds like a lot without hybrid/different turbo... 94Nm is achievable, but I would say it gets you into the danger zone concerning rods..
    For that kind of price, you should be able to pay an engine mapper to tune it on a dyno, which would also give you confirmed gains..
  3. that works out to about 850 pounds, youd be best with a few bolt on's and a proper map from the likes of RS tuning or KTR
  4. Unfortunately a proper dyno tune is not an option in Australia.
    What are the best of the remote tuning modules?

    K-tec Renflash - I know nothing about.
    Fastchip - permanently locks the ECU and Henk comes across really badly online.
    RS-tuner - A different version of the fastchip box. Does this lock the ECU?
    Bluefin - I've heard the quality of the actual tunes are questionable.

    Any others??
  5. Re: Fastchip - You can backup your ECU using the Fastchip tool prior to applying the maps provided by Henk.. Whole ECU or just existing CAL file (good practice anyway). so ECU not locked, you can set it back to what it used to be if you decide to map elsewhere in the future... comes across badly sometimes, but a really helpful guy and I've used him for my last 2 cars (Clio 172 & Meg 225) without any issues...
  6. He stated on another forum that once you have used the fastchip device, even if you go back to the stock map, no other device can access your ecu. Not even a Renault dealer.
  7. Yea thats not true. I use an RSTuner and had maps done by different people using different hardware, Clip can also be used fine.
  8. there are few chaps mention in the mighty car mods, which are from Australia, you should look in to them. a local warrantied mapping on a dyno FTW
  9. never heard of such a thing before LOL..
  10. In meaning,
    They are responsible for any bricked ECU locked up ECU, any damage to it, waranty on the map it self etc. There are a loot of things that can go wrong.
  11. Maybe he sends different units to Australia but I've had it confirmed by multiple people that nothing else can read/write to the ECU after using RStuner.
  12. I have used the RSTuner on two cars now, a Megane 2 and Megane 3. Works perfectly, backupped my original mappings before writing Fastchip's new calibrations to it.

    And indeed, it is true the ECU gets read AND write locked. While you can program back your original mapping, the RSTUner encrypts the ECU's mapping part. This prevents any other tuner (even Renault with Clip) to write to that part of the ECU. I have mappings with multiple tuners, but after having mapped my car myself with the RSTuner, no one could overwrite it anymore. As I like trying out different mappings from different people to see what I like best, I found myself stuck to using only Fastchip. Other tuners don't give out their calibration files, which is understandable, so I couldn't program it myself using the RSTuner.

    I can understand having the mapping part of the ECU read-locked after programming, as most other tuners do to prevent others from stealing mappings, and I am perfectly fine with that. But having that part write locked and/or encrypted is a bit absurd and still don't know why it is handled like that by Fastchip.

    Maybe Fastchip has a special unlock thingy to unlock writing to the ECU again, but I am not sure. So far still happy with it though, but it means you're more 'stuck' to them than you'd maybe like.
  13. Accidental overwrites if you goto a dealer ?
  14. probably to stop the likes of renault adding updates to the ecu which ends up wiping the map off and putting back standard
  15. I have the BR Performance tune and when my dealer programs new software I just go to BR and he programs it back for free,thats how it should be...

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