How to change RS250 pads - thread/guide?

Discussion in 'Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres section' started by Frimley111R, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. Couldn't spot one on here, how easy is it to do this?
  2. very easy mate.

    same as any other 4pots if you've worked on them before?

    - wheel off
    - tap the retaining pins out
    - retaining clip comes out
    - pull pads out (usually requires a bit of patience, but nothing hard)
    - new pads in
    - retaining clip in
    - pins back in
  3. Sounds complicated :tongueout:
  4. You will need to push the pistons back before the new pads will fit in obviously.
    Also if the pins haven't been out before you could be in for a bit of a mission. Don't use copper slip when putting them back together either.

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