R26 Do I need to remap

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Matt-f1, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. My clutch is starting to slip so wanting to covert to single mass flywheel and r26r clutch the car has had a remap was wondering if I will need to get this mapped in or will it be fine? I know the engine light sometimes comes on with them!

    Cheers matt
  2. its 50/50 RST maps the light out
  3. As Dan said its 50/50, mine never came on when I fitted mine but I got it mapped at RST a month later
  4. Mine only came on under wot.

    Turned off after 10 mins casually driving.
  5. I think it's just hit and miss, either way I love the noise on start up! RACEKOR!
  6. So would only need to map to remove the light it wouldn't make the car run differently

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