Forged engine run in time

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Adz07, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Just wondering what people suggest as a decent millage to bed in a forged engine before it's mapped? Tbh I stupidly forgot about this bit... so the drive home won't be a fun as I first hoped :worried:
  2. Gray

    Gray RSM Moderator

    low revs, high load, plenty of mixed driving.

    Everybody has their own methods... Who built your engine, they should be able to recommend?

    I will be running mine on mineral oil for the first 50 miles, drop & replace with another lot, 150 miles, then onto cheap fully synthetic for a few hundred miles, then on the good oil for mapping.
  3. it's in at ED, I've been gasping to get the car back for a while and the closer its got the more excited I became until remembering this and then reality kicked in with thinking about having to do the 2 x 3.5hr journey again.. they are really busy too so I have a feeling its going to take a while to even get it back in with them.

    waiting to hear back with what they recommend.

    Spose im having a grumpy head wobble, think I'm too impatient.
  4. They say about 1k miles... I'll do that in a couple of weeks! I better get some oils ordered
  5. What spec have you gone for?
  6. I went for their level 2 package anlong with hybrid and helix (hoping not to regret that, been building up my left leg ready). 630s will go in when I go back to get it mapped. I also had a boot full of stuff like lower arms, disks, pads, driveshafts, links etc etc that they've done for me at the same time.
  7. Deep pockets ;-). Sounds good!
  8. I wish, just put it this way, it's a good job Ive got a soft spot for it and that's mainly because it's albi. Don't think I'll ever get rid tbh.

    I'm also getting old and bored so want to do a bit of track :smile:
  9. Gray

    Gray RSM Moderator

    Sitting on the motorway at 70mph isn't good for running a freshly built engine in... You won't bed the rings in correctly.

    It might be worth asking ED to bed the engine in on their dyno?
  10. oooh... thats exactly what i would be doing. I could still use the wife's car if needs be I suppose. I want to make sure I do it right.

    I'll see what they say but I think that dyno has a rather large queue.
  11. Not specific to a forged lump. But when i had a new engine fitted i was told by two individual techs to drive it hard while varying the revs. Constant speed/revolutions is the worst thing for a new engine.
  12. Seems that most people are saying run in hard and varied and oil changes.

    Might switch to the A/B roads for a while
  13. Adz no disrespect to anyone's advice on here, but after spending that amount of time and cash on your forged engine the only peeps I would be listening to on how to run your forged lump in would be the engine dynamics advice mate, ask them and do it there way :blush: lucky lucky you tho lol
  14. 100% agree with you mate. Just good to get other people's views and thoughts. Andy will give loads of pointers I'm sure, of which I will follow to the letter :smiley:
  15. ...but definitely feel a bit of a nob for completely forgetting about this important part of the build. :tongueout:
  16. Agree with midnight. The only reason i ran my engine in like that is thats what i was told by the manufacturers techs... if i had been told something different thats what i would have done. TBH i always assumed to run an engine in you needed to break it in gently .. shows what i know:confused:
  17. TimR26

    TimR26 South Central RSM Area Rep

    I'd get Engine Dynamics to run it in for you if possible.

    I'm giving RS Tuning the petrol money to run in the engine they're building for me.
  18. That would be ideal but I think they are just too busy at the mo. How much fuel does rst reckon?
  19. Most important about any forged engine is getting it up to temp, especially when running in. the reason behind the various loads etc. Is because you want it to heat cycle asap and as much as possible.

    basically the only thing that would wear in are the pistons rings. It are the pistons that need to heat cycle. Long steady journees isn't bad at all for the ring, they'll 'wear' in. Be sure to have it heat cycle or atleast properly up to temp though!

    basically all the people i've spoken to who had more forged engines then i do is to have it heat cycle a few times and then just floor it. Obviously the tune would need to be correct but that's always needed!
  20. Reading previous comments, yes the rings bed in better when cylinder pressure is higher, that because the spring pressure of the ring get's helped by the cylinder pressure too. However, when the bores got a good job the ring should pretty much close all around so less chance of buring/washing the rings.

    That's why a lot of high end build get the block bored after fitting a dummy head (torque plate). Because microscopicaly the bores change shape when the head is torqued up
  21. Built it. Got it to temp. Dropped oil then it was mapped to the max then raced.

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