Megane 250 sparkplugs

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Zs_phil, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Is it easy enough to change these yourself
    only ask as ive not taken the engine cover off i dont think
    and my subaru last time was a joke
  2. I think it is. I took it off the other day and they all look pretty easy to get to.

    Yeah had am impreza myself as well, what a joke, took hours just to change the plugs! Also not helped by one of mine being done up by superman and the plug cracking.
  3. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    I changed mine in less than 10 minutes :smiley:
  4. Very easy to do. All I would say is get a can of compressed air and blow around the plug lead before disconnecting it. I had a load of dead bugs and stuff around mine.
  5. Great stuff thanks guys
    glad its not practically half the engine out job :smiley:
  6. very accessible on out cars.

    What's the torque spec for the plugs?

    Also, save your money & use the petrol station tyre inflator to blast the crap from around the coils instead :smiley:
  7. Very easy, just be shure get the right gap
  8. If it's the same as the R26 28Nm
  9. Is it 28nm then for the 250
  10. Done this tonight
    took about 15 minutes including the drive around the block
    1 thing to do at weekend and that is change front pads
    ive emailed the russians see if they can donate me a nuclear bomb so i can take the pins out ;not looking forward to it
  11. Whats plugs should stage 2 250 run
  12. [TABLE]
    [TH="align: left"]Make[/TH]
    [TH="align: left"]Model[/TH]
    [TH="align: left"]Engine Size (CC)[/TH]
    [TH="align: left"]No of Plugs[/TH]
    [TH="align: left"]Additional Information 1[/TH]
    [TH="align: left"]Additional Information 2[/TH]
    [TH="align: left"]Engine Type[/TH]
    [TH="align: left"]Date[/TH]
    [TD]MEGANE 3 (08-->)[/TD]
    [TD]TURBO Renaultsport 250[/TD]
    [TD]F4R 874[/TD]

    Plug is a NGK IFR 7x8G
  13. Can also use denso ik24
    alot of the french do cooler plugs apparently so ive read

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