Just a quick question in regards to the secondary water pump. When I purchased the car last year, I distinctly remember hearing it running - it only dawned yesterday that I hadnt heard it in a while. Weather was warm yesterday, I went into boost around 30 seconds before shutting the engine off (to see if boost within a certain time frame triggered the secondary water pump) - nothing. I had the car remapped a few months ago - do you think that it may have been "mapped out"? Will check through the fuses/connections later.
Thats what im thinking - need to take a better look later to be honest, was just wondering if anyone knew any common issues with it. The map I have on at the moment was done by EvoChips. I tend not to go into boost for a few minutes before turning off - but would like the extra cooling to work as it should.
Yes, its an electric waterpump located to the right of the engine below the battery box (on my 225) - The purpose is to continue circulating coolant for around 5 minutes after turning the engine off, it helps further cool the turbo down.