Injector cleaning

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Boardy, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. As you can tell from the number of posts today I have been bored at work, so I thought I would have a go at cleaning my spare pair of injectors.

    I will no doubt get some stick for this but here goes!!

    I used a can of Hycote carb cleaner, a Nobo white board marker a few lengths of wire and a few crock clips, and finally a power supply.

    I pulled the gubbins out of the pen to leave this. e43df71cf5f1c3f9bed9e9debf1e00bd.jpg

    I opened the nip end out a little to fit over the nozzle on the carb cleaner can and slightly on the other end to fit the injector in. fc22bc9e03ab704932d95c2535840eac.jpg

    I connected the injector up to a 12v supply to open the solenoid and blasted the carb cleaner though the injector.
    The was a noticeable improvement on the spray pattern as you can see in the video.
    After all four where cleaned I back flushed them.

    After this I connected each one back up and did a ten second burst into a test tube to compare the flows.
    They were surprising very close.
    I forgot to take a picture at this point.

    I have fitted them when I got it for a test run and the previous lumpy tick over has gone!

    Very Heath Robinson but could be a quick fix for people on a tight budget.

    I look forward to the comments!!
  2. Like your style.
  3. genious!:cool:
  4. Ha ha thanks mate, but I would not go that far, but it's genuinely running sweet as a nut.
    I took these out a while ago because of the usual miss on tick over and it's now steady as a rock!
  5. is it a 12v ac pulse passing through at x hertz? 0r 12v DC?
  6. I just used 12v DC to hold the solenoid open and just turned the power source on and off to make sure it was not passing.
    I don't think it would, but I did not want to risk damaging the pintail by cycling it to much with no fuel in it.
  7. Haha brilliant!
  8. Wow u got time
  9. Brilliant! Mine has the slightly lumpy tick over at the moment and have been considering getting a spare set for cleaning. Might try doing it myself now. Nice one Boardy
  10. MBC


    Definitely worth a subscribe on the basis I want to try. Nice job mate.
  11. The only other thing I would consider doing if you have the use of one is a ultrasonic bath.
    I was thinking about this last night (sad I know) I would use a 12 supply connected to an indicator relay to open and close the solenoid for you and just sit in the bath for 5 mins to get them really clean.
  12. MBC


    *gets ultrasonic bath out the cupboard lol.
  13. Ha ha, keep a look out in ALDI of all places, I got one a while back for 60 quid!
  14. MBC


    Gotta love their random price drop section for goods you'll usually never need!
  15. Would it be any better if you fed the injectors the carb cleaner from a pressured container to get more through?

    The ones you pump to up the pressure.
  16. Yeah would have though so, the can does give a decent amount of pressure though, I'm in the middle of getting a few bits together to build a cleaning rig.
    Got a fuel rail and a desk top compressor that's used for air brushing (will do 3.5Bar/60ltrs a min) From eBay last night.
    Was going to use a large moisture trap from a compressor in reverse to pressurise the cleaning fluid to force it through.
  17. 60 litres a min should just about do it.:cool:
  18. MBC


  19. You doing this As a service then boardy?
  20. I will have a look at it mate if people are interested.
    I obviously want to make sure it's works properly first and the other was not just pure luck!
    Will take me a week or so to knock the rig up but after that I will do a few for free for people to try and give feedback.
  21. What a great idea. Wish my mechanical no how would allow me to do this but not very good at it!! Haha. I will offer you my injectors to try as mine is quite lumpy on tick over. Been thinking about getting them cleaned. Top job. Hats if to you mate.
  22. I've got a spare set u can try out if you want, they were throwing up the emissions light and misfire codes before I changed them so I assume there pretty bad!
  23. I'm hoping to get most of it cobbled together this weekend so will give you both a shout.
    jjones do I remember reading on another post you have a exhaust gas analyser?
  24. Not me, although I can ask around I can probably find someone with one!
  25. I was thinking of picking one up, so was after recommendations really.
    Not after spending a fortune but don't want a piece of crap either!
    If I was going to offer it to people as a service I would want to make sure everything was spot on prior to sending them out.
  26. Lee if you wanted but I am sure there is no need as it looks like you have it sorted , if someone has a brand new injector they can loan you and you post me your cleaned one with that, I can do a full calibrated flow check to compare the both, the bar/pressure calibrated supply and calibrated power supply will be exactly the same for both injectors, least you would have peace of mind if you start doing this as a service to peeps.
  27. Tbh the professional cleaning places don't check emmsions afterwards they just check spray pattern / flow rates/ resistance I think. And some change the o rings/ pintle caps.
    You could work out the flow rates if you did each injector individually and the spray patterns are most likely checked by eye. The resistance check is easily done with a multimeter
  28. Thanks mate, I would just buy a new injector for comparison, I think I have it sorted but thanks for the offer, I will see how the rig works out!
  29. Yeah I was just one more thing I was think of checking!
    I did check the flow rates on the last lot I cleaned with a ten second run into one of these. fc7ff000916ed13c21b0b27e9b5e4bf3.jpg
    I checked the resistance on the last lot too, and like you said the spray pattern is by eye, would obviously change the o rings but would have to strip one down to look at the pintle caps.
    Im quite lucky at work got most of kit I need here, even got a lab!
  30. From what I've read the pintle cap replacement is only if necassary etc and I haven't heard of any being replaced in all honesty. It's probably just marketing hype!
  31. It's all ways good to have a lab, I've worked in them for about 15years now, I've currently got access to a physics/ chemistry and biological lab! Always good to have the toys to play with!
  32. Boardy- Can you do a 'Drive Through' service? I live just South of Warrington but work up in Preston 3 days/nights a week. Im sure mine are best there best...
  33. Your in box is full mate.
  34. Just deleted a load.
  35. Did you do a flow test in the meantime mate?

    i'm finding conflicting info on the flow rs injectors give. Would be great to have a flow total at 3bar
  36. Did you ever get your injector cleaning/testing rig set up Boardy? I need my 225 trophy injectors done pal
  37. Er, kind of fell by the way side a bit mate after fitting new 630s
    But... I do still have all the bits, so if you do want them doing it's not a problem.
    Your quite local to ain't you mate?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Trophyboy likes this.
  38. Yeah if you still have the bits then it would be great if you could do them for me.

    Is it recommended changing the green seals too? Cant seem to find them seperate?

    Yeah im in Chester pal but could post them 1st Class Recorded tomoz?

  39. Ideally you should change them but you can see if they are looking tired, with flat spots etc.
    I'm sure I will have some at work to change them over anyway.
    Yeah no problem mate.
    Will give you a PM with my address mate.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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