De badge or not?

Discussion in 'Exterior & Bodywork' started by CJ_RSport, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. CJ_RSport

    CJ_RSport RSM Moderator

    Whats everyones opinions on tge rear megane badge apart from it being a pain when it comes to polishing thinking of removing it

    Are there certain models that come without?

  2. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    off! mine came off in 2004 haha!
  3. No, they all came with the Megane badge but it is/was really popular to remove it. When I got mine it didn't have the badge any more, just don't remove the Renault Sport badges!!
  4. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    .Rs didnt come with it...
  5. Remove it, it looks much better without!
  6. Just take the N..E off haha,
  7. I've only ever seen 1-2 sports with the M E G A N E badge! Take it off!
  8. CJ_RSport

    CJ_RSport RSM Moderator

    ^^^thiss haha
  9. CJ_RSport

    CJ_RSport RSM Moderator

    Its coming off tomorrow then :smile:

    Cheers guys
  10. I dont usually shout this at men but... off off off off off!
  11. Yup off looks miles better.

    needs a good polish after though
  12. I used a blockbuster card to take mine off, dead easy :smile:
  13. CJ_RSport

    CJ_RSport RSM Moderator

  14. CJ_RSport

    CJ_RSport RSM Moderator

    Nice one its comin off in a few minutes :smile:
  15. CJ_RSport

    CJ_RSport RSM Moderator


    Done guys also give it a g3 and wax come up a treat

  16. Much cleaner.
  17. CJ_RSport

    CJ_RSport RSM Moderator

    It is need to get the buffer on where badge was as some stubborn marks but shud be fine
  18. Get the exhaust cleaned now! Wire wool and polish
  19. CJ_RSport

    CJ_RSport RSM Moderator

    Defo mate got few burnt marks on exhaust want bigger tips too
  20. black diamond covers off ebay set it off a treat :smile:
  21. CJ_RSport

    CJ_RSport RSM Moderator

    Ahh didnt think of covers as dont want to ruin chrome when I eventually sell but il whey up them and plastidip too they do need to go dark though and thinking anthracite side badges also to tone it all down

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