Goodbye 911..............Hello Turbo!

Discussion in 'Other Automotive Brands' started by Greyingfast, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. After a great couple of years I have traded in my 2009 997 Gen2 C4S for a 2011 997 Gen2 Turbo PDK. Deal is all done and should be collecting middle of next week....properly excited. Its the 7 speed PDK which I wasn't sure about until driving it. It is however bloody impressive and the car comes with the Sport Chrono Plus pack, which gives it Launch Control, active engine mounts etc. Car has done 24,500 miles and has most of the extra's that are worth having. Ideally wanted it in Meteor Grey, but they are difficult to find in the spec I wanted so may wrap it if the Black doesn't grow on me.

    Cant wait to get out in it. Couple of advert photo's and will post some proper ones once I have it.

    1532 frt (Large).JPG
    1532 head (Large).JPG
  2. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Very, Very nice!

    Turbo's are properly quick cars, Even more so with the PDK. Look forward to seeing some of your threads with it :wink:
  3. That's bloody lovely congratulations on the new toy. Was your old 997 a manual? The PDK system is supposed to be pretty impressive. Are they chalk and cheese in terms of how they drive? I love porkas, like any petrolhead I'll have to sample one one day.
  4. Yeah my last one and the 911 before were manuals. The previous tiptronics were bloody awful, but the new pdk system is absolutely stunning. It feels like a manual controlled with paddles which it kind of is, but the shift speeds are beyond belief.
  5. Gorgeous cars.. absolutely lightning too
  6. Great stuff! hope you enjoy it!, still love you're lunar .R though :wink:
  7. Lovely, those turbos are silly quick
  8. Thanks, I do love the Lunar too just a great looking machine
  9. Pick up Tuesday but just been out for a test drive, holy s##t 2f9b324be1e7ea6f64b892329d51b48a.jpg
  10. Stunning car. Just a bit jelouse.......
  11. Not only am I jealous of the car rich, but I am jealous of ya missus too lol, she lets you have anything, I got to sneak stuff in my house :rolleyes:, pleased for you mate what an awesome bit of kit, love the colour.... I aint jealous honest and you aint aving a go of my shortshift now hahahahaha
  12. My missus doesnt know yet!!!!!, easier to apologise than ask I thought :wink::wink:

    Oh go on let us have a go on the shift, you can have a go on the pdk:cool:
  13. HAHAHAHA that I wont refuse rich, done amigo :tongueout:
  14. Such quick cars. Took care of my Mum's 997 GTS in a straight line
  15. Feirny

    Feirny RSM Admin

    Would you like to adopt/a toyboy?
  16. Very, very nice :smile:

    More pics needed when you take delivery, and obviously a write up after Sunday morning....
  17. Touch wood the first day you take it out there are no GT-R's on the prowl! Otherwise you'll be the fastest thing out there! :tongueout:
  18. Yeah those GT-R's are crazy quick but I think the Turbo will be rapid enough for me. Went out in it this morning and launch control is jaw dropping. Did 2 launches and got 3.3 and 3.4 0-60!!!!!! The fact the GTR is quicker again is staggering
  19. Lovely offer I'll come back to you
  20. So jealous it hurts :/ Amazing that the new Turbo S is even faster still
  21. Cheers mate, your welcome to have a go if we ever meet up.
  22. You're proper cool mate, not very often I say that to gents.
  23. lol, quote of the year :wink: :smiley:

    I remember driving a 993 Turbo, must have been 1996 I think, mind blowing at the time, jumping out of the Clio Williams I had at the time and into that! :eek:

    I can only imagine just how quick the more modern 911 turbos are these days!

    Look forward to more pictures and updates
  24. I will own a 997 turbo one day
  25. I might just take up that offer mate!

    I'm probably going to have to start becoming a professional gambler and get myself a 991 Turbo S :tongueout:
  26. Looks like I need to work out how to get 2 cars to the SW meet (If it ever happens):wink:
  27. easy I will drive one hahahahaha :tongueout:
  28. Thanks for solving the dilemma Mike, knew I could rely on all we have to do is find someone to drive yours and we are sorted......:rolleyes:
  29. Liquidf1

    Liquidf1 Forum Trader

    That's awesome one of the quickest road cars about, just watch your license :smiley:
  30. Cheers mate, yeah could be a license wilter.........lucky I have such self control:eek:
  31. and launch control... which will give in first :tongueout:
  32. Ha ha ha ha nice one mate, my money is on the self giving up before the launch!!!:tongueout:
  33. Gorgeous car mate....and the way to do of health and luck with it.
  34. Those pdks will do launches all day everday. See a video of someone filming 50 back to back full bore launches and not a single error or dash light came on. Average 0-62 was something like 2.9
  35. Cheers mate.........longest weekend and wait till Tuesday, each hour seems to take an age. Not that I'm excited or impatient you understand d7aaa87ca5b81e258f7c6d2bad7dbf63.jpg
  36. The wait is awful, I remember when I ordered my last car and had to wait 2 months.. I commend anyone who can wait longer!

    That feeling when you drive it away from the forecourt and bury your right foot for the first time though. That is something that can't be replaced by much else :tongueout:
  37. 2 MONTHS!!!!! I'm struggling with 1 week fella, hats off to you bud
  38. Absolute beast rich, more I look at it the more I love it, I had a blast in a porche turbo last year mate I dunno what model as I was to stressed with concentration to ask lol, will trawl theu the pics and try and find it later :rolleyes:
  39. 4 months for the Trophy - calm down fellas - no big deal :smile:
  40. I salute you sir. I'd have to go into an induced coma for that long

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