Gearbox First and Reverse

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by jamesmeg, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. Can anyone suggest what may cause selecting first gear to actually go into reverse and reverse to go into first? randomly having issues where if first gear is selected, the lever would be in first and seem like it's engaged but it's actually not engaged. And sometimes the same happens for reverse. Other day after reversing, selected first but it went into reverse and then reverse went into first.
  2. That's a strange one.
  3. Could be the selector shaft that passes through the body of the actuator sticking, or the PTFE block thats sticking on the linkage?
    Only a bit of a guess though mate?
  4. Similar with what was happening to my 250, look at your cables and see if one's popped out, if it is just align it back up, pretty sure it's similar to the 250, twist the plastic cap and pull back, really easy to do
  5. Just read through your thread about the gear selector issue you had and it does seem a lot like the issue i'm having. You mentioned that the cable tensioners were sitting too high and that you locked it in and fixed the issue. Is there a particular method to adjusting this and making sure it's not sitting high or low? From a visual inspection through the gap, the top cable's white connector seems fitted nice and flush but the bottom white connector is not 100% vertically straight and if i move it left to right, it moves around but doesnt come out of where it is locked into. Is the bottom connector supposed to do that? How do you release the cable from the actual socket? when I last checked it seemed like some plastic mechanism holding it in place and didnt want to break it.

    I've started having this issue only over the past 12 months. However, about 4 years ago I had clutch slave cylinder changed and the mechanic needed to remove those two white locking connectors holding the cables and he mentioned that I may need to change something called the gear linkage anchor or something as it was broken. Do you happen to know what anchor this is? Could the mechanic have not put the connectors back together properly? Strange thing is he didnt mention anything about the anchor after a few days when I picked up the car.
  6. I'm not sure what he means by anchor, I presume he's talking about the cradle the linkages sit in, does sound like your linkages are not sitting right, get someone to change gears while you look at the linkages and bracket that holds them for movement, if you twist and slide back the sleeves then they should just pop out, be careful as the plastic is thin, there's a spring in the sleeve so that's the resistance you need to fight in order to lock the sleeve back when you twist it
  7. Check the pivot balls on the gearbox too, if the linkages have play there, you will have trouble selecting gears
  8. Where are the pivot balls? is that where the white plastic connector connects to?
  9. Yes both cables connect to the pivot points which are on the gearbox
  10. managed to take off the battery tray eventually and had an inspection and could really see anything visually wrong with the linkage. I think the broken part that the mechanic referred to years back was the black plastic cradle but i tried wobbling that about and it's solid and doesnt have any play. I've attached two pics below, one shows the plastic cradle that the linkage wires sit on and there you can see a small crack on the plastic by the lower bolt. Not sure what exactly I am supposed to be looking for. The other pic shows both the linkages, the top white connector sits on the pivot ball horizontally and you can wobble it with your hand left and right, which I am assuming is normal as it is pivot. The bottom one vertically clips on to the pivot ball and also wobbles, but as you can see in the picture it sits in an angle.


  11. Any advice guys? I cant visually see anything wrong with the linkage, not sure what I am supposed to be looking for. The two cables groove into the plastic cradle and then the remaining sleeve part goes to the actual pivot balls, So from the cradle to the pivot ball is where the cable moves about.
  12. any help guys? Is there a particular way the linkages are supposed to be?

    From what I can see, the two cables are attached to the plastic cradle, from there it has a sort of rubber sleeve that can stretch which I assume is so that the cable can move back and forth, after the rubber sleeve there is the round white plastic connectors that connect to the pivot balls on the gearbox.

    From the cradle to actual pivot balls what is the tension supposed to be like? and how do you check the tension because the rubber sleeve moves around?

    Would really appreciate some help on this guys.

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