So gents and ladies my mate has just started up this web site Could you please take a look and give some feed back, think it could be a great idea with a little work and input from users. If you can spare the time please upload your stories. Thanks in advance
Interesting idea but surely needs about a billions stories to take off? The few that are on there are so short - not worth reading. Where are all the pictures or driving stories? Where are the pictures? Crash stories/good cars/bad cars/cheap cars/cash pits/track day stories/road trips/hook ups/problems with the law/links to progress threads/.... Plenty that could be added I guess but it needs to launch with a lot more than it currently has.
Thanks for the reply, like you said it does need a lot more uploads, but the site has only been up for a matter of days so it will take time. It's in its early days and will need quite a few tweaks as the idea come in. Thanks for the input I will pass it on.
I'm sure this would be their first point of call after Auto trader eBay Pistonheads Parkers Etc etc............
I like it, nice idea. Personally I try to avoid posting registrations anywhere online so I couldn't get involved but stick at it all the same.
Thanks for the feedback mate, I do get people's reservations over posting registrations etc, was just being a bit of a dick in the post above!! Hope it works out for him, he's putting a lot of work into it and he's managed to secure some sponsorship/advertising so it's gained a bit of interest.
The big difference though is that people are trying to sell there car on those websites so chances are that by the time anything happens with a cloned number plate it's someone else's problem. I'm like Ben, I try to never post my number plate online, just in case, it's too easy to identity theft/ clone cars etc etc nowadays. Good luck with the site, but personally can't see a massive amount of people joining if you need to give your reg. Just my 2ps worth