Megane 250 ticking/ tap on cold

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by jayp250rs, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. I've noticed on my Megane 250 when cold has a destinctive ticking /tapping noise noticibly different to the slight normaly noise but goes when warm is this normal? Cheers
  2. Seems quite common for them to suffer a slow tappet from cold, I've had mine looked at twice by Renault and the conclusion has been as long as it goes when warm don't worry.

    Just wait till the belts need doing and get them to change the tappets if I still have it by then.
  3. Ok mate great thought that would be the case. Has the normal quiete tappy noise even when warm was just worried about the louder one when cold
  4. I've heard that the noise when cold is piston slap
  5. Anyone had a whining sound from cold start? Had it as far back as i can remember, matches revs too. Only for the first minute, not a sound after that. Assume it must be nothing!
  6. Jjones that anything to worry bout?
  7. Na nothing to worry about, if it is piston slap the noise is caused by the pistons slapping the bore it stops when it's warm as the piston s expand with the heat. The space is probably needed which is why Renault deem it normal.
    It's quite common in forged engines too
  8. Nice one mate was a it worried
  9. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    It's tappets, not piston slap LOL.

    Normal on them, they sound a bit tractor-ish tbh
  10. Yeh it's not piston slap, I've had the garages hold it over night and use probes it's definitely tappets. It's also too high pitched for slap, slap is more more like a knock than a tap listening to all the 100k subaru videos on youtube about slap >.<

    Still sounds better than the Golf GTI my brother has, they sound like a diesel, cold or warm!

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