225 Lead for Canbus?

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Alex_225, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. I have the 'upgraded' stereo option (Cabasse) in my 225 Trophy but it's naff and I'd like a new headunit. I have been advised which lead I'll need for the stalk controls but do I need an adapter to install a normal aftermarker unit?

    I'm looking to get this unit - http://www.caraudiocentre.co.uk/product_m-pioneer-deh-x8700bt_p-32472.htm

    But the chap I spoke to on the phone said I only need the stalk adapter and didn't seem overly familiar with needing a different lead for a canbus unit, if I need one at all.

    Anyone got a 225 with the upgrade that they then swapped the head unit on?
  2. You sir are an absolute legend, I had no clue as to which lead to buy online and having spoken to someone at the Car Audio Centre, they had no idea haha.

    That first lead claims to have the steering controls built in as well. Is that right or do I need that second one?
  3. You need both.
  4. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    car audio centre are useless

    you need both leads
  5. Thank you guys. I just realised the other lead is only 4 quid anyway :smile:

    Car Audio Centre are good for prices and actually I returned a faulty amp to them once and they had a new one sent out to me really quickly so can't knock them for that but for knowledge of what's needed, not a clue yet guy was a bit short in terms of asking me which head unit I had as standard. Then assumed it was the Tuner Radio model.

    Looks like I'm all clued up on what leads I need now so just need to get the head unit ordered.

    Such a load of faffing about considering the 'upgraded' stereo really isn't that great, apparently has an amplifier in the boot? Is that right.
  6. From what i read the iso lead is extended from the dash to under the seat, but the aerial is not, so will need extending upto the dash area.
  7. Alex. Would you be interested in selling the cabasse unit?

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