I don't understand what you are getting at? Lol it's a midlands meet therefore it is going to be in the midlands.... You live in wales ?
Might be the middle of Wales ? I dont like agreeing with James, its against my philosophy but he is right on this occasion.
I know its a midlands meet and I certainly don't need a geography lesson from some clowns , Bromsgrove area is also bloody midlands too and if it was there ishhhh then other forum members from further afield may come and say hi and hello and how are you, but you go ahead gang together and have your lovely meet in friggin derby, f@@k your midlands meeting now lol, don't wanna meet you tight a@@e clowns anyway rofl ................
This is a whole new level of retardation. Throwing obscenities around because some members have arranged a meet too far away for you... Really??
its just abit of humour for christs sake, whats the matter with you ?????? friggin geeks sorry james did I say 150miles hehehehe soz I meant 150 km, we are metric over here in wales amigo lol ey burns you wanna chill out mate and take a humour pill, cant we have alittle fun banter now and again , and I find the word "retardation quite offensive to be honest"
Good job it's more East Midlands then, some of these comments clearly highlight high levels of testosterone haha
Comes across as 'toys out the pram' more than 'tongue in cheek' to be honest... I didn't call anyone anything by the way lol.
having special needs children in my family mate I find the word and quote" retard" very offensive to be honest, ive been having a crack with the midlands lads for days pal and it was very tongue , to be honest who cares what you think, have a nice night burns
Maybe if you came across a little more friendly you wouldn't create these scenarios... Anyone who knows me (and plenty do) will know I'm one of the least serious people you'll ever meet. You've taken my comment out of context, and as I've already said I didn't call anyone names (unlike yourself) and I apologise if anyone's offended by it, although in my defence it's a commonly used forum phrase. I will have a nice night, thanks.
steburns cmon mate we have both taken our words in the wrong way as often happens in forums, go to your very first thread when you joined and see how friendly I was with you there, some said hi some said welcome, I gave you a complete welcome essay lol , lets forget it and move on hey, soz for my welsh humour, but alas this is me lol
http://www.rsmegane.com/showthread.php?5014-Ste-Burns-joins-up now is that unfriendly to you ?? I am practically hugging you there lol
Damn I just confessed to driving all the way up to mark black on there ," I am mileage busted " lol:rolleyes:
We should definitely have a Wales run at some point, heading east from mine is definitely the wrong way for a Megane lol.
I like banter on forums and this forum is as good as any ive been on. I love to wind people up although sometimes my comments dont come across how I meant them. Anyway leave the poor bloke alone, he is Welsh after all so he's got enough to contend with.
mate you are having a laugh lol, those midlands boys cack there pants at anything over 40miles, don't forget they only earn £4.50 and hr bless em
I will have you know I am very happy james, have a lovely wife and woolly mistress lol, if you don't believe me go and read my blog at http://www.rsmegane.com/showthread....-hope-i-got-that-the-right-way-round-))/page2 pictures of both have been supplied as proof rofl Oh ive seen and read you have visited already lol
hahahahah don't you guys wish lol, no steve I am afraid that's more Snowdonia territory , I am south wales alas, more Raindonia here, but if you go look at my blat post we do have some great roads here too, I am trying to convince greyfast to pop over with his R