gold plug magnetic sump plug

Discussion in 'Car Parts For Sale' started by matt e, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

  2. I'll have this if you've still got it
    pming you now mate
  3. Seconds
  4. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    someone cliosport got in before you, sorry

  5. Where do you buy them from , who sells them there a good idea
  6. Gray

    Gray RSM Moderator

    Read the first post :wink:
  7. Hahahaha sorry
  8. Whats the size for the g'box?
  9. Matt you know the gearbox plug size?
  10. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    i would guess 18mm. the 16mm fitted straight in

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