Turbo timer

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by michaels225, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. Anyone know anything about these. Got me thinking about it as I am getting fed up of leaving it running outside then going back and turning it off. A few minutes l8r. Would test even work on the megane because of keyless start etc.....
  2. How hard are you actually driving it? I bet not hard enough to need a turbo timer for a daily driver? Just dont drive on boost for 1 minute before parking up? Like when you pull in to your road/estate/village etc. With modern synthetic oils and some common sense they really aren't needed.
  3. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Quick fire way to make yourself look like a chav as well.

    Not needed.
  4. What the other guys said is spot on.

    I trust you dont drive right upto your house like you are on a WRC stage , so the oil will have had time to cool down.

    If you have been battering the car , just take it easy on the last mile or so to your house.
  5. I've asked a few mechanics about this, they said as long as you aren't driving it like a nutter from the minute you get in to the minute you get out then you don't need to let it cool at all! Just drive on less or off boost for a minute or two before you park up and you'll be fine!
  6. The car also has an auxiliary water pump so when you turn the car off it pumps water round the turbo so it doesn't cook the oil.
  7. That is fine guys. No I'm not driving like wrc driver lol. Would b a lot of fun but not sure my kids would enjoy it lol. I just saw my neighbour do it in his skyline the other week and wondered about it.
  8. +1 to this. And of course not doing a WRC stage coming back from the supermarket and then parking it up!
  9. +2 to this as well!

    Negates the need for a turbo timer as this topic came up when I got my first 225 and it turned out it had a kind of electric turbo timer i.e. this water pump. :smile:
  10. Is this water pump activated by a timer,thermostat or something else?
  11. does it really have an aux pump? My old 19 16V had one, and you could easily hear it humming for some minutes when turning off the car.. on the 250 I don't hear anything, though.. Might be because it's like new and thus isn't noisy yet, of course ;-)
  12. My understanding was it being temperature related as you can hear the whirring once the engine stops but not every time you drive.

    I usually run the engine for a couple of minutes anyway while I fanny about with my phone/wallet etc, plus reversing onto the driveway. Likelihood is that most people live in a residential area where they won't be hooning it about just before parking up but I always consider 1-2 minutes of engine running before turning off.
  13. You'll definitely hear it when it's on, 1st time my 265 did it I was like 'wtf is that and where is it coming from'.
  14. The absoloute minimum i leave it is 5mins from when i give it a good thrasing and when i get back, and i make sure its been up to optimal temp for a few mins and drive like a granny the last 5minutes of my blat.
  15. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Bit excessive tbh. Use high quality oils and take it steady for the last mile or so. I have never felt the need to sit in my car cooling it down after being a blast on the road and thats with me living just off one of the best A-Roads in Scotland.

    Probably do more harm than anything sitting with a car boiling its tits off stationary as there is no airflow going through anything.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
  16. Yeah that's what I'd say too, I don't see how sitting with the engine running with no cool air going through it 'cools it down'.
  17. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    The same kind of applies to those that think that sitting with their car idling to get it up to temp is good for it. They couldn't be more wrong.
  18. You also couldnt be more wrong. I didnt say i was stationary, id never sit in the car leaving it running, heard its not good for it thats why i pootle before and after a good thrashing.
  19. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    You worded your first post poorly then, It reads like you leave it to "cool" for 5 minutes at least when you get back from thrashing it
  20. Oh sorry sir my bad terrible english, I read it as If i drive like a granny for the last 5 minutes.

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