1.9 dci Rods

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by james157, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. Does anyone know if these would fit a 225?

    Been looking at them and they look a lot bigger plus has anyone ever heard of a diesel bending a rod?
  2. Ebay number

  3. Would the 250 rods not fit... I think I've asked this before.. Not sure if anyone's done it?
  4. The diesel rod trick was an old school Renault trick when they went racing. I dont know if these rods fit tho.
  5. Trying to find the measurements for them to see if they are the same length and diameters of both ends.

    They definitely look stronger.
  6. Just found the 1.5 dci has a 25mm pin size so is that a fit?
  7. Yes they do.
  8. Cool.. So are they a worth whike mod to strengthen the internals?
  9. For the cost involved might as well spend a few more pounds and use forged rods
  10. Fair enough.. I see your point
  11. Peice of the 250 rods is why im looking at alternatives.

    Im not interested in building an engine capable of 600 bhp. Just a nice reliable 350bhp.
  12. it will not be reliable without the pistons.They then to crack at pistone ring landings and 300 bhp is pushing it on stock pistones.
  13. Just give engine dynamics £2,300 , job done we plus a bit for fitting and map, that's what I'd do, drive in and drive out with a 12 month warrantee
  14. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    People asking about diesel rods at a couple of hundred arent going to suddenly decide they want to spend 2 and a half grand somewhere.

    totally different options...
  15. If your splitting it to change rods may as well do Pistons so by the time you've done that it won't be much cheaper, so save the hassle and let someone else do it like I say with a warrantee
  16. I enquired with Renault about the 250 rods and the cost was more just for the rods than for forged rods and pistons together. Plus they were on back order which in Renault speak is months.
  17. I will be doing all the work myself so looking at spending half that.

    Ive build a lot of engines over the years so im going to build this one ready for when mine gives up.
  18. It might never give up though
  19. Had this on my GT4.

    Everyone was saying the safe limit was 1.1bar. Mine standard engine ran 1.75bar on a GTX3071 for years and never missed a beat.

    Im going to put all the cooling mods on the Megane that I fitted to the GT4.
  20. I think you should start a progress thread on your cooling mods James . . .

    Interested to see whats involved etc. (-:
  21. Not much really.
    Cooler opening thermostat. Found one that's 10 degrees lower just waiting to see if it fits. Looks like it will but won't know for sure until Sunday.
    Mocal Oil cooler with thermostatic sandwich plate.
    Pre turbo water cooler.
    Lower range fan switch or manual override.

    Thats it really.
  22. Pretty thorough . . .

    Let us know about the Thermostat, is that easy to replace?

    Where are you fitting the oil cooler and water cooler, and what items are you using?

    Ever thought about fitting a scan gauge to monitor the temps? Be interesting to see the difference it makes . . .
  23. I have an oil cooler fitted already. Less than £100 to do.
  24. Already got a scan gauge fitted.

    I will fit both radiators next to the drivers side foglight. Will buy mocal ones as ive used them before.Dont need to be too big to make a big difference.
  25. Good work.

    Are they easy to mount/plumb in etc?

    What size or number of rows is enough?
  26. Yeah they are easy enough. Dont take long to make a couple of brackets.

    I haven't neasured it up yet but will do soon.

    Plumbing them in is easy.

    The oil cooler plate just spanners onto the oil filter housing then just attatch both hoses and tighten.

    Water cooler is just pull off the hose that feeds the turbo coolant and attatch the two hoses from the cooler to both open ends.

  27. Fitted the thermostat earlier. The new one needs a couple on mm taking off to fit but its easy to do.
    Old and new
    Original size.
    New size.
    Not exactly the same but its close enough.
    You can see its 79 degree opening temperature. I filed it nice and smooth before fitting.
    Put the seal on and its a perfect fit.

    Tested it for leaks and its dry as a bone. Should work a lot better when I change the coolant and add another small radiator.

    Bargain for £6.84.
  28. Drove the car for an hour earlier and the water temperature on the scan gauge stayed at 79c-81c.

    Didnt really give it any boost as I wanted to see where it sits during normal driving.

    Quite happy with that.
  29. I dont buy into the lower stat thing. It used to be a trick of the 5 gt turbo tuners years ago. All its going to do is allow the water flow at a cooler temp. If the cooling system is upto the job then what is the benefit ?

    The car will be below its thermal efficiency so will not run as well.
  30. Done it on a few cars now and never had a problem. Heat is a big killer of engines. Id rather have it running cooler than hotter.

    79c water temp is the lowest it will be so wont affect the running at all. Its cold outside and it was a gentle drive, When the weather warms up and im giving it some I will be happy to see the lower temps.

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