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Renaultsport oulton park track day

Discussion in 'Track Days & Track Driving' started by rg230r26, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. Couple of videos, fairly long but 1080p if you have the connection, first one is just me in the last 30 minutes using as much of the track and fuel as possible right till the checkered flag.

    Second one is at least worth watching the last 1/4 of or so just for the..... interesting ending :smiley:

  2. [video=youtube;vyVfSwkRums]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyVfSwkRums[/video]
  3. Nice save in the last vid! Looks like a great day out.
  4. was brilliant apart from the cock in the white rs200
  5. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Cl10 jet?
  6. Needs a fixed mount twig as it made me feel sick watching it!
  7. Nice save round Druids mate. I came past you in the white R at 6-40. The fella in the 172 was in front of me when he came off round Lodge :eek:
  8. lol

    Yeh I took all my kit with me and realised I'd run out of curved mounts for the dash, tried a flat one and it just fell off around druid so was stuck using the helmet mount as they seemed strongly against suctions mounts.

    Need to order some replacements.
  9. You should get harrys laptimer (now available on android as well as iOS)

    You can use the gopro for the main video and then use your mobile as in car multicam as well as adding data etc
  10. the cock in the 200 tried to go around the outside of me at the chicane after the banked hairpin while i was having a go in the red bull 265, i was on the out lap and the instructor saw him coming up and told me to let him past after the chicane, cock tried to pass around the outside, instructor wound the window down and let him have both barrels, he then wouldnt let me past for the next 3 laps, don't need arseholes like that on track days. worst bit of driving ive seen for a while. cock.
    265 was a lovely bit of kit, good grip/brakes felt quick even after my mapped .R, tyres were also good for 4 quick laps, brilliant for road focused kit.Best track day for me so far even tho i shagged my brakes : (
  11. Harry's LAp Timer is a great app for the the cost.

    [video]http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yiTm73tXNII&feature=youtube_gdata_player&d esktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DyiTm73tXNII%26feature%3D youtube_gdata_player[/video]

    The white Clio wasn't CL10 JET. There was another one that had a habit of holding people up.

  12. That's rather sad, not the kind of behaviour you expect on a TD let alone a Renault one.

    My brakes are also very tired though :smiley: might need some new pads, I know we aren't supposed to time laps but it had to be done at some point and I think that just about destroyed them.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2013
  13. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    CL10 JET behaved well i thought, We passed him and he passed us on numerous occasions in various cars and behaved well.
  14. I c 3 version´s of Harry´s Lap timer, wich one u buy?
  15. The petrolhead version mate.
  16. 'its a girl though to be fair' and
    'Kinell Phill! '
    Brilliant !
  17. Good save by Phil but I won't tell him to his face because we would never hear the end of it lol
  18. Glad to read this (about the 265) as ive got one on order!
  19. Just to say you can alway upgrade via iap to petrol head or GP from rookie if you want to try the basics of it.

    On iOS it will soon have background videoing so you will be able to see in real time your lap + and - on your best lap.
  20. Ok ill give it a try
  21. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

  22. Only two pics of mine, quite disappointing really as I got quite a few last year....
  23. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    True dat. They all seem very static and dull. Riad always brings out the action from a shot.

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