hard pipe kit??

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by charlie1984, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. I am in the process of arranging a rolling road day in the new year at RS tuning .

    We need 10 cars ( although around 5 have commited to this so far ) to make it viable.
  2. Cant do January but should be ok for any time after.
  3. Your comparing apples with pears.

    Charge pipes don't effect charge temps like an intercooler.. What about when all this air gets to the head and valves, would you say that that was a restrcition!? ;-)
  4. Doesn't this kit rattle as well?
  5. I believe the older ones was supposed to. Never had one of those kits so don't know.
  6. ^ mine don't but I think it's a case of how your fitting them.

    mine is the early kit and my bracket has been re welded and been spot on for ages
  7. No one is changing heads and valves but ive never heard of anyone wanting smaller ones. You dont know then.
  8. Whats the difference between the kits?
  9. I had the original kit and the supposed new updated kit and the fitment of both were shocking.
  10. Leeds in January lol are you mad andy :rolleyes:
  11. Maybe there are more than 2 variations of these kits then cos mine is spot on. Never rattled ever.
  12. Same as mine, I think I got an earlyish kit. I bought it second hand and it had a bracket instead of a p clip. Fitted fine, if a little bit awkward to fit.
    The bracket also snapped on mine - but as previously said replace with a p clip and it's fine.
    I think the very early kits didn't have an oval pipe - so it could hit the radiator causing vibrations etc.
  13. Certifiably insane
  14. Every flange, bend, welding joint, narrowimg, ect gives counter pressure and will cost loss. lager bore(to a max) can reduce loss and will result in extra power. Henk showed me rollingroaddata which showed that the stock boost pipes are restrictive and the hard pipe kit was less restictive ! The car on the rollingroad was running 1.1bar, Before going into the engine there was 1.0bar left. Thats almost 10% pressure loss. Equipped with hard pipe boost kit it only lost 0.05bar. Not try to sell the thing just hete to share the info told to me, but if there was a hardpipe kit available for the mrs3 I would buy one. Altough the result are minimal it is still some!:wink:
  15. Thats impressive tbf Tiemen, is it really that much difference? from losing 0.1 bar to 0.05 - thats not a typo is it? And you meant to write 0.5?
  16. It says losing 0.05 bar ..

    Not from 1bar to 0.5 bar
  17. DOH, thats what i get for reading quickly on my phone! Cheers for the clarification andy,
    Although still impressive, it implies that the oem pipes are twice as restrictive as the hard pipe kit
  18. I might be up for that if I could get a map at the same time hehee
  19. 10% with the standard pipes compared to 5% with the Forge.
  20. Andy could I get a map tweak on the day?
  21. 0.05 would that be .5%? Or am I trading it wrong?
  22. I am unsure if you will be able to get tweaks on the day. Ill clarify.
  23. it still gives pressure loss. But you also have the intercooler who gives pressure loss. you will never get 0% loss thats impossible.
  24. I have clarified , no tweaks on the day.

    Power runs only.
  25. I'm not going to bother with the rolling road day.
    Early next year I'm going to fit a 250 turbo and some 630s so will be on the rollers anyway.
  26. Looking at Feb for this one. Anyone up for it ?
  27. Yeah I will be up for it.

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