Lets see your knob

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Egg cakes, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. Egg cakes

    Egg cakes Banned

    What different gear knobs has anyone fitted?
  2. image.jpg

    here's my knob!
  3. Nmp


    Hahaha so funny
  4. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    This isn't going to (bell)end well.
  5. Funny but at the time slightly worrying, , , , , lol
  6. its an andrewjeffs dick shift!
  7. lol :blush:

    This is the Renaultsport gear knob fitted to my 250

  8. Egg cakes

    Egg cakes Banned

    Hahahah this must be the funniest comment I've ever heard well played :smile:
  9. Egg cakes

    Egg cakes Banned

    Looks good much better than the standard one
  10. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    I'll post a pic up later...when I'm not at work and it's not inappropriate to take pics of things like that.
  11. Egg cakes

    Egg cakes Banned

    Hahahahah you guys crack me up you and Naith should be comedians :smile: so funny :smile:
  12. Had a good chuckle at this, can't beat a bit of banter!

    I have the RS one fitted, looks better than standard but its bloody cold on your hand in winter.
  13. 1e1ce1f7538826c4ebcac2135d91d7e6.jpg

    I'll get my coat...
  14. Oh, come on. We're trying to have a serious debate about knobs and shafts and whatnot, and you go and post this childish, penile image :rolleyes:
  15. I've got a similar one to the RS one but it says R26 instead, have to agree though its bloody freezing at the moment in the mornings!
  16. Apologies Xanda73, at my age I should know better, so to get this thread back on track..... :rolleyes:

  17. Haha dear God that's horrific. My car would almost certainly remain in neutral if that was the knob I had to use!
  18. Freddy

    Freddy Banned

    I've got a gen quaife nylon fitted to mine
  19. Freddy

    Freddy Banned

    Like this ImageUploadedByTapatalk1416604806.104366.jpg
  20. Anyone know where to get the white Motorsport gear knobs from
  21. did you find that in the glove box?, looks better than the alloy renault one : )
  22. Freddy

    Freddy Banned

    Motorsport stores
  23. 14dc298409e0b28511c3d05a4483e27c.jpg mine for sale soon as got RS one as in pic above
  24. Quick question guys removing the knob is it as simple as just pulling it up

    Cause I've heard of people braking clips and cutting them off with hacksaws and other such stories.

    I've done several searches in different forums with the terms (gear, knob, replacement removal) and all I come across is photo's of them already replaced
  25. Freddy where you get your one from... You got a pic?
  26. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    apparently they just pull and twist off
  27. That's what she said
  28. .

    Attached Files:

  29. 438f1c17c9f0a0e37b19dc1e51320b16.jpg
  30. This ^^
  31. Freddy you got a pic?

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