250 HELP - Mystery Wires

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Oli, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Oli


    Hi All,

    I was having a look under my rear seats the other day, as you do, and I discovered some mystery wires. Does anyone know what these may be for?

    There were 2 wires in total, one under each rear seat. From the photos below you will see the wires had connectors on the end, and each one had a different connector.








    Let me know if you need further photos or info.

  2. I don't know if some models may have had heated rear seats? Although that seems a little too flash for a Renault. I also know a lot of the Pugs have weight sensors in the rear seats so the seatbelt light comes on if someone is sitting there and not belted up?
  3. I've noticed these in the rear too. Only my near side one is disconnected. though, the driver side one is plugged into the seat belt clip. Looks like there is a cable going into both the front seat belt clips too. No idea what they're for, possibly for the seatbelt warning but I've never noticed it go off because of a rear passenger though.
  4. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Mine has them as well, neither connected to anything
  5. I'm pretty sure they're for the weight sensors in the seats on certain models.
  6. Possibility for them being to inform the driver if rear passengers are wearing a seat belt? I know the non-RS does this but does the RS?
  7. Nope. Megane mk3 hasn't been fitted with rear belt information on a dashboard. It is available on Scenic and Laguna. Megane scored only 3 stars on latest EURO NCAP test due to lack of couple of "buzzers".
  8. I was pretty sure my parents Megane told me if there was a seatbelt in use in the rear seat, I'll have to double check when I'm next at theirs!
  9. I was just going to post this.

    As dinn say, NCAP marked the latest Megane down 2 stars for not having a warning system that the rear occupants aren't wearing the seatbelts. Seems crazy that they would mark it down so much and that given that, Renault wouldn't do something about it. I know most new cars have dedicated warning lights for the seat belts and that could have been hard to engineer in, but surely they could have flashed up a warning on the LCD display and sounded the buzzer for the low fuel level without too much effort? Connect the sensors, reprogram the ECU, job done.

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