andrew's inbox full. This place isnt like meganesport is it where you get 3 messages including sent items!!? Also very interested in getting one of these. Many thanks, Henry.
Is it possible to get the shaft in the new modified arm the wrong way round?? Tested end it with the cables connected and seems to be only operating 3rd and 4th gear no neutral so I guess I have got the shaft in the wrong way round!
Yes, gear selector fork needs to face the front of the car, horizontal bar has to face front and vertical is at the back of the box. Had loads of pics somewhere but can't find them now.
Its a Renault thing, probably cost thousands to design that air box someone called Jon Claude or summat lol
not full inbox can hold 500 messages,and its almost always near full...rsmegane inbox..50 messages..and i get 10-ish a day!!!..doesnt take long to fill up catching me out,as this includes sent messages!
Drilled some bleed holes in it but will rig up a cold air ram pipe at some point. Short shift is dogs bollocks
Had this for about a week now and I'm loving it I'd recommend it to anyone and it's easy to fit definately one of the best things you can do to your car for pence
Shortshift for a MRS 2 225 Hello Andrew, I'd like to get a shortshift for my MRS2 225 manufactured at the end of 2008. Please let me know if you can help me - I hope you do, I joined this forum specifically to get this upgrade. Many thanks, Nicu
Both, sorry, tried to sign up as turkishdave but it didn't send me email to activate, so I tried using my other email and it worked,could you send me some details when you have a chance mate, the gears on my megane are letting the car down
chaps,i will get back to you as soon as i can,i have 2 linkages on there way to australia,which leaves me just 2 in circulation.
Posting mine back to you tomorrow mate with another one from mark b aswell,,,the short shift is epic..wat a difference it makes, thanks again!!!!!
Is there a basic fitting guide kicking round for these, scanned the thread but couldn't see anything? How long would it take an experienced Renault mechanic?
Its in the`how to` section on here..its not as good as mine..but its a guideline. A rnault mechanic would fit it in 2 hours..we do them in 1..but we have done more than anyone else in the world!
Hi Andrew, i have tried to message you but your inbox is full..... are you still selling the short shift kits? if so how do i go about purchasing one? Thanks, Sam
I know I'm late in getting my old one back Andrew but have other pressing issues, should have it back in the next few weeks tho! As an aside, I see k-tec are selling a short shifter also now.
next few weeks..bloody hell mate..i always have people queing fast as you can..i cant keep up with orders Yes and Ktec want £240 for it.
'Other pressing issues' ?? Ffs man pull your finger out and get to the post office! This guy relies on quick turnaround and needs the old ones posted back as soon as. How can it take 'a few weeks' To get to a Fekin post office ?
yes gets full so quick with only 50pm`s stored..i get 3-5 a day! We are waiting for returns..i currantly have all 5 out..some holding on to returns for it slows it all down to a crawl at times...will PM you when i have a few back
to be fair it seems you get the actuator as well..which is pointless unless you have a older megane 2004-05,whos acctuators are getting tired now..still just the £180 more than mine!
So if I don't get one in the next few weeks I can blame them? I can't believe how people don't have it as a priority to return within a day or two..
we get our good ones..but we also get others that hold on to them for makes it difficult when they come back in dribs and drabs as setting up the cnc machine costs us we try to do at least 3 at a time.
Nothing to do with me at all but you must be able to get it sent back quicker or get someone to do it for you, people are relying on you, come on play the game, it's only fair.