Can clip change mileage?

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by MJ57, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. I kinda of fancy zero'ing the Megane clocks due to the new engine. Is it possible via clip?
  2. I'm sure you can only add and no take off,
  3. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    you can plug it into a 'thing' and change the milage but its not the clip. you take the dash clocks out and use the device on them alone.
  4. What's the device
  5. I didn't think it was the clocks that stored mileage
  6. But when you get it Mot'd DVLA will flag it as a clocked car.
  7. It is not very ethic too.
  8. They dont flag it at all.

    Why's it not ethical? Its a track car. It will be documented that it was on x miles now new engine is in the mileage goes up with age of engine. Make perfect sense to me
  9. Yup this is correct. Its quite a clever device and pretty easy to clock cars
  10. What about the mileage of every other component on the car? Better just to record the mileage the engine was swapped and have documents to back it up seems the more usual and genuine way to do it.
  11. All bushes, wishbones, suspension components have been or are in the process of being replaced. The shell & wheels are the only item's that will have the clock mileage.

    People just assume cars with the mileage off are dodgy. I would just prefer a nice 000000 clock so at the correct intervals i know when items need doing again. simples
  12. Hit the nail on the head there tbh, at the end of the day it's up to you though if you never plan on selling it on.
  13. As above, if your never going to sell it its your decision, but if you ever plan on selling it, it will make it much more difficult.

    I'd personally never buy a clocked car, you don't know what else has been changed, fake service history etc....

    Also you say the suspension etc has all been changed what about the gearbox, drive-train, rear beam etc?

  14. 1. A rear beam would only need to be changed if it's bent. So if it's done 10k or 100k it's irrelevant.

    2. The type of person that would buy my Megane would be using it as a track car.
  15. Hopefully you will inform that lucky buyer about changing millage.
  16. Ffs, he just wants to know if and how it can be done, hope you get it sorted Dan
  17. yea because it being near 0 isn't going to be obvious. All mots with correct mileage. Jesus there is some up your own arse people on here.
  18. I believe this is a lot more common than people think.
  19. it is yup.
  20. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    OP asked a simple question so keep answers simple. Ethics and whether its right or wrong don't need to be discussed really do they..
  21. It appears that there's an option to "correct" the mileage in Clip, but I haven't tried it.
  22. Salty

    Salty RSM Moderator

    it would become a genuine reason if a second hand set of clocks had been fitted so the old mileage could be applied so can't see why the clip couldn't do it.
  23. Clio can go forwards not backwards. As if your supplied a new cluster it comes at zero
  24. Salty

    Salty RSM Moderator

    makes sense I suppose, stops legitimate clocking lol
  25. I thought the mileage was stored on the ecu? So even if you swap the clocks they adjust themselves once plugged in.
  26. No they don't adjust themselves
  27. Positive I read that somewhere, could just be on the 250/275 though....
  28. In theory then you could adjust the clocks to 999,999 and they'll reset them selves to 0 :wink:
  29. Positive, I know someone who has changed his clocks on a megane and their still on the lower mileage after a couple of months
  30. they do on espace.... which is where that 'rumor' came from
  31. Well they don't on an R26, and that's the car in question isn't it.
  32. Clip can only Increase mileage.

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