250 Engine hydraulic'ed - bad news?

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by wildcat_lgf, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. Hi All,
    I'm looking at a 250 that has engine damage - and just wondering if it's a deal-breaker.
    Story I'm told is that it was driven through some water (I'm guessing possibly at up to 80km/hr by the location that was described), and the 250 sucked in some water. Took it to the garage, who couldn't turn it by hand (plugs out). So it's being sold by the insurance company.

    I don't have the option to get a garage to check it out.

    I'm guessing the rods are bent at least, but am not sure if the damage could extend to other major parts? Cracked block? I'm told the f4rt is pretty robust, and if the damage is likely to be limited, it could be a good time to rebuild with some uprated rods/pistons, etc.

    If the price is right, I'm still pretty keen on it - but thought I'd ask the experts here.

    Anyone come across anything similar, or have any advice on the damage I'm likely to find? Cheers
  2. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    How cheap you getting it at?
  3. Looking around 4-5.5k
  4. Not that cheap really, when you consider a decent set of rods will set you back almost 1k.
  5. Wow that is cheap, if the bodyworks ok I'd go for it.
  6. Thanks for your reply...
    in the end it will depend on how the sale goes in the next couple days.

    Yep, the internal parts will be costly - but if (and its a big "if") the damage is limited to rods/pistons, then I'm not too worried. Its more of an issue if the entire engine is beyond repair.
  7. Cheers...will keep you posted :smile:
  8. Unfortunately I missed out - sold for 7.2k, which was more than I could gamble with...
  9. This has just come up for sale on Cliosport.net for 10k. Mike @ Rentec in Portsmouth bought it and did the work in a weekend lol.
  10. He will make a nice profit if it sells for that. Still thinks its on the high side for a cat-d my mate sold his white one less the nav and wheels but higher mileage for 11.5k

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