Elm 327

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by witney, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Hi. I have one of these things but haven't used it in ages. What is the trick again if you have a megane with a key card? Was it press the start button or did the key card have to be in for it to work?
  2. Not 100% sure but try key card in slot and hold start button for 5 seconds to activate computers :smile:
  3. Thanks will give it a try.
  4. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    What is ELM?!
  5. Some kind of tree.

    OT I think you just hold the start button in for 5 seconds or so, no need for key card. At least that was how it was in the Clio and they have a similar electronics to the mk2 meg.
  6. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Depends what you're doing....

    Fault codes etc, just key card in, push start button.

    Read live data, engine on.

    Naith, Elm is a OBD2 device.
  7. If it's a petrol meg, card in and hold start button without touching pedals. Release button once the steering lock disengages.
    If it's a dci procedure is slightly different.
  8. What is the diesel procedure ow wise one?
  9. Holding the button down doesn't turn on the ignition, no idea why.

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